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Does jail work?

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Speed cameras work, at that very spot, reducing crime. If people thought they would get caught and punished, that would reduce crime.

You're conflating people's attitude to the risk of getting caught and their attitude to the severity of punishment.


The punishment need to be harsh, but not so that the person goes into the dark side of society.

The punishment should focus on minimising re-offending - anything else results in a higher level of crime. There's plenty of evidence that that isn't achieved by harsher prison sentences.

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The punishment should focus on minimising re-offending - anything else results in a higher level of crime. There's plenty of evidence that that isn't achieved by harsher prison sentences.


I was relating harsh sentences to speeding(not jail), jail keep the offenders from re-offending, by keeping them locked inside.

If a terrorist/pedophile/murderer still has the same views, they are likely to re-offend.

If a person has a stake in society, a happy life, they are less likely to risk that.

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This is the bit that just doesn't make sense. People don't work like that, offenders don't think that way and a situation you describe practically ensures maximum reoffending.

Describing criminals as 'filth'? Unless and until you realise that criminals are human beings and start treating them as such, you won't get anywhere.


Re the second bold, you are talking nonsense. Lowest reoffending rates in Europe are in Norway - find out what works here (and suprise, surprise, it doesn't involve treating people like dirt and prisons being hellholes) - https://www.theguardian.com/society/2013/feb/25/norwegian-prison-inmates-treated-like-people



Aye, filth is what they are. Some filth broke into our caravan and did £1500 worth of damege. While it may seem a small crime to a sowflake, my wife was almost traumertised by it. Me, just a red mist in my eyes.


So, you take the scum in and grieve for their terrible upbringing that drove them to be criminals and bust their way into our van. Me, give them 5 years sewing mailbags, no telly or any other device, maybe a book now and then. I make no apology for my hate of scum.


ps. Your ideology certainly worked on the Bulger case didn't it.



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The system we have now does not work. Criminals do not fear going to jail, it's just a holiday for them. I stand by my post, make jail so unpleasant that even serial offenders will think twice before offending again.


Your softly softly approach has been proven not to work, if it did work there would simply be no re-offenders. Criminals are the filth of society and must be made aware of the fact.




I think they'll be well aware of what people think of them based on what they've done. The quote 'give a dog a bad name' springs to mind.

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ps. Your ideology certainly worked on the Bulger case didn't it.




On the eve of the 25 year anniversary of James Bulger’s murder a petition calling for a public inquiry into the killing has more than 180,000 signatures.


Are the people that signed ordinary people that are aware of the facts, or are they just jumping on the bandwagon of the hang-em high brigade, I believe the latter.


Many believe a 20 year life sentence is too short, but is that based on evidence?

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If they believe that they may be caught, behaviour is different.

As I explained, people either don't consider it (crimes of the moment) or they DON'T believe they will get caught.

That's the way it is. Wishful thinking about "IF" they believed it is irrelevant.


---------- Post added 12-02-2018 at 16:54 ----------


Aye, filth is what they are. Some filth broke into our caravan and did £1500 worth of damege. While it may seem a small crime to a sowflake, my wife was almost traumertised by it. Me, just a red mist in my eyes.


So, you take the scum in and grieve for their terrible upbringing that drove them to be criminals and bust their way into our van. Me, give them 5 years sewing mailbags, no telly or any other device, maybe a book now and then. I make no apology for my hate of scum.


ps. Your ideology certainly worked on the Bulger case didn't it.




You appear to lack the ability to apply logic or thought to this topic, your revenge fantasies don't actually help to reduce the level of crime.

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It worked in respect of Brady and Hindley, and is working in respect of Sutcliffe, Nilsen, Hutchinson and West, as prison stopped the former and is still stopping the latter from participating in their evil practices.


However I’m not sure how effective prison is in changing the habits of of people who are not serving lifetime tariffs. We always hear of the failures, how about the successes, but the latter doesn’t make good press, does it?

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As I explained, people either don't consider it (crimes of the moment) or they DON'T believe they will get caught.

That's the way it is. Wishful thinking about "IF" they believed it is irrelevant.


But that depends on what type of crime it is, and how its policed.


Speeding, cameras all over the place.


Mobile whilst driving, a severe sentence for a minor offence, and people do it all the time, no camera or laws allowing photo evidence.


Offences – including car crime – were considered crucial for satisfying a target culture introduced by the last Labour government


Money was diverted away from protecting children in order to pursue so-called ‘priority crimes’, according to former detective Tony Brookes. The offences – which included car crime – were considered crucial for satisfying a target culture introduced by the last Labour government.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3521975/Police-focusing-trivial-crimes-boost-clear-rates.html#ixzz56uzbFaVE

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