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Does jail work?

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As I explained, people either don't consider it (crimes of the moment) or they DON'T believe they will get caught.

That's the way it is. Wishful thinking about "IF" they believed it is irrelevant.


---------- Post added 12-02-2018 at 16:54 ----------



You appear to lack the ability to apply logic or thought to this topic, your revenge fantasies don't actually help to reduce the level of crime.



It's called the freedom of speech. So my fantasies don't help reduce crime. That's a rather odd response, if the filth is locked up for a number of years I would certainly say it has reduced crime.


But I accept any punishment handed out would offend a snowflake like yourself.



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It's called the freedom of speech. So my fantasies don't help reduce crime. That's a rather odd response, if the filth is locked up for a number of years I would certainly say it has reduced crime.


But I accept any punishment handed out would offend a snowflake like yourself.




Unfortunately society are scared of upsetting the snowflakes,I agree with you if they're locked up they cannot commit more crimes.

I mentioned earlier the let out on license who's disappeared,police say he can't be approached,if that's the case why the hell was he let out.

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It worked in respect of Brady and Hindley, and is working in respect of Sutcliffe, Nilsen, Hutchinson and West, as prison stopped the former and is still stopping the latter from participating in their evil practices.


However I’m not sure how effective prison is in changing the habits of of people who are not serving lifetime tariffs. We always hear of the failures, how about the successes, but the latter doesn’t make good press, does it?


I think you're right about the media's motto in this regard - 'bad news for others is good news for us'. Bad news seems to sell newspapers

I do know that the shoe repair company Timpsons offers work opportunities for some of those on release from prison. As the chairman of Timpsons said in a recent interview:


The evidence is clear cut: 60pc of people leaving prison will reoffend within two years – a percentage that drops to 19pc for those who have a job. The reoffending rate of Timpson recruits is less than 3pc.


But then, judging from the response of some other posters on here - he'll be a do-gooding snowflake :roll:

Edited by Mister M
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It's called the freedom of speech. So my fantasies don't help reduce crime. That's a rather odd response, if the filth is locked up for a number of years I would certainly say it has reduced crime.


But I accept any punishment handed out would offend a snowflake like yourself.


Not really. Prison breeds criminals, trains them, and sends them back out into a world that seeks continuing retribution after punishment which causes ex criminals to become reborn criminals, and the cycle repeats and repeats.


Did you read the recent news that 25% of prisoners in Doncaster gaol come out with a drugs problem that they didn't go in with? Yay for crime reduction!


Prison won't work while Victorian attitudes of retribution and vengeance prevail, so we get the crime we deserve because the real snowflakes can't get their head around rehabilitation instead of punishment.

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It's called the freedom of speech. So my fantasies don't help reduce crime. That's a rather odd response, if the filth is locked up for a number of years I would certainly say it has reduced crime.


But I accept any punishment handed out would offend a snowflake like yourself.




Uk murder rate 0.92 per 100k

USA murder rate 4.93 per 100k


USA reoffending rate 67.7% prisoners reoffend within 3 years.

Uk reoffending rate - 59% within 12 months.


Be honest, you just want to hurt people.


All first page on google, not hard to find.

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Not really. Prison breeds criminals, trains them, and sends them back out into a world that seeks continuing retribution after punishment which causes ex criminals to become reborn criminals, and the cycle repeats and repeats.



That is what our prisons do, because its more about punishment and not rehabilitation.

I believe some countries do it differently.

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Uk murder rate 0.92 per 100k

USA murder rate 4.93 per 100k


USA reoffending rate 67.7% prisoners reoffend within 3 years.

Uk reoffending rate - 59% within 12 months.


Be honest, you just want to hurt people.


All first page on google, not hard to find.


I didn't know the figures before you posted them, but it confirmed my suspicion that punitive jail terms aren't a deterrence to others.

As I posted previous - employment opportunities appear to help stop ex inmates from re offending. Programmes to improve literacy and numeracy, and ensuring that offenders have families to go back to would also cut re-offending rates I would've thought.

It's understandable that people get angry about the hurt that criminals cause to others by their actions; but having a penal system which brutalises and dehumanises people isn't going to help anyone in the long run.

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Aye, filth is what they are. Some filth broke into our caravan and did £1500 worth of damege. While it may seem a small crime to a sowflake, my wife was almost traumertised by it. Me, just a red mist in my eyes.


So, you take the scum in and grieve for their terrible upbringing that drove them to be criminals and bust their way into our van. Me, give them 5 years sewing mailbags, no telly or any other device, maybe a book now and then. I make no apology for my hate of scum.


ps. Your ideology certainly worked on the Bulger case didn't it.





Filth and scum coming through!


I know what you probably thing of someone like me whose been in prison for a violent offence and i can see where you are coming from but it really makes sense to try and do something with prisoners when they are inside to give us the chance to do something worthwhile when we get released as 99% of us do.


That's why having us sew mailbags or whatever doesn't make sense. there is a really good scheme in some prisons where they have restraunts close by and prisoners get to work as chefs and waiters as a privilege if they behave and then they get help in getting jobs like that when they get out. Also if people get at trade that can help with getting a job when you get out. Not much call for mailbag sowers.


When I was in prison I realised how lucky I was. i had a temper and drank too much butdidn't have mental health issues or on drugs or not able to read and write. i actually helped with other prisoners getting them to read and write. I also had my family who visited me and I knew I had a home to go to when I got out. Not everybody has that.


It might surprise you but I actually think longer sentences are better. There is no point sending someone to prison for 6 weeks. If you get a real short sentence you are banged up for most of theday and just sit in your cell, smoke (if you still can) and watch TV. No courses, no training. Because I was in forlonger I did get to do courses and work which helped me. I still say you have to want to change though. If I had of been sent to prison earlier (instaed of community payback) ut might have been better as I might have realised sooner that I neede to change and what **** I was putting my family through. My family were a normal hard working family and I was the only one who ended up in prison and I know how much trouble and upset I caused them.


I now have 2 young kids and it would kill me if either of them were like me and got into trouble when they were older and they ended up in prison. I never want them to know that I was in prison. I try to be the best Dad I can be but there are always reminders of my past. i was asked to help out with football coacing with my son's team but had to make an excuse as i know what would come up if I put in for police vetting.


You really just can't give yp on people and assume that everyone in prison is filth and scum and that there is no hope of them changing.

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Good post,glad you've picked your life up,do you ever see your victim/victims?,looking at the Thomsons thread they are interviewed so have the pick of the bunch and most of those will succeed,listening to Huntley on tv apologizing,he's been locked up around 15 years now so do our snowflakes think it's time to let him out for a 2nd chance?.

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But that depends on what type of crime it is, and how its policed.


Speeding, cameras all over the place.

Clearly people are not stopped from speeding, I see people speeding all the time!

Also, we're talking about whether jail works, not whether increasing the likelihood of being caught has an effect.


---------- Post added 13-02-2018 at 07:21 ----------


It's called the freedom of speech. So my fantasies don't help reduce crime. That's a rather odd response, if the filth is locked up for a number of years I would certainly say it has reduced crime.


But I accept any punishment handed out would offend a snowflake like yourself.




And it's called freedom of speech when I tell you that you're emotionally driven opinion is a load of old tosh.

I realise that snowflake is a new insult for you, but if you just use it all the time, willy nilly, it makes you look foolish.

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