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Could you go on a six months social media "sabbatical"?

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I'm on neither of them. Idon't seem to have missed much.

But I do sneak a look at SF every day.


Futures Red - you can deactivate the accounts. That way they are there if you need them as they can easily be reactivated. There is some useful information here: Six Reasons to Quit Facebook. The website suggests that you might want to make FB more manageable by removing friends, liked pages etc etc. That seems good advice.


Like everything else in life, there are positives and negatives to both these sites. They both have their uses. However, they can be time wasters and quite addictive. Maybe you should try deactivation for a little while. I do that myself from time to time and I can't say that I miss it all that much.


Years ago I was working away and teamed up with a lad from sheffield. Had a good laugh everyday. Job ended and he mentioned he was on Facebook and I should join..that I did....


Well, the facebooking chat ended within months of returning home as we both settled back into our usual daily lives. Since then I've never used Facebook really, friends would send requests to "friend" them, but the absolute drivel they put up, that is basically meaningless to anyone except for themselves, yet they feel the need to broadcast every minute detail.

Hence, I leave well alone, put me off even looking at Twitter .

But my phone still sends alerts daily to remind me to checkout the nonsensical nonsense that's just been uploaded.

Do I really need to know that so so is in McDonalds, or heading done the M1, do I really need to see a phone pic of yet another pint of beer/lager. I actually hate Facebook and pity the poor souls addicted to "likes". Tragic is the word!


Stopped with Noseybook about 4 years ago and never looked back. Why on earth people feel the need to know absolutely everything about what their "friends" are doing is beyond me.

People don't realise their addicted.


All good points, and will take a look at the link too. It's interesting to read others perpectives of facebook. I love Noseybook too :hihi:


It is true though, reading other people pointless and meaningless posts. I sound a right grump but what's starting to annoy me now is the political statements people make and don't get me started with conspiricies :rant:


And yes too the old... just been to Macdonalds arhhhhhh :hihi:

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