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Trump and two China's policy.

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Trump is taking an hard-line policy towards the People's Republic but taking an soft approach towards the Republic of China ( Taiwan) upsetting the status quo of not giving approval for an independent Taiwan which the mainland has warned would result in a invasion of Taiwan.


This all stems from the Chinese civil war during the 1930s when the Nationalist Party withdrew to Formosa now known as Taiwan. The Communists won control of the mainland but stopped before reaching Taiwan then the saga of ' two China's' started the international community appected Chairman's Mao Communists party as the legal government of China leaving the Nationalist has an government in exile.


The United States government however decided that Taiwan could be useful so they gave millions of dollars in aide and Japan did trade deals with Taiwan so begun a friendship of sorts that lead to an mutual defense pact been signed which didn't sit well the mainland took this has an insult to PPC the agreement is still in force today . For years an status quo has formed China and Taiwan have had talks in the past but always broke down as reunification didn't seem agreeable to either side that has lead to the mainland firing guns at Taiwan even an billboard was set to remained them that China is keeping watch.


Now Trump what's to do less trade with China and more with Taiwan the mainland are not happy one Army officer said it could lead to another world war plus an dispute over some islands in the South China sea already causing strained relations between China and Washington it could get very interesting this

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It should already be getting interesting between the UK and China about what is happening in Hong Kong with the takeover by stealth and the beatings and intimidation of Hong Kong activists by China.I have only heard former governor Chris Patten speaking out about this,what will the UK government do about it?

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