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Should the judge be lenient to the woman who assaulted Jeremy Vine?

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I cannot get how Twitter works.

The account I have will not let me use it, as I cannot remember the password, and it will not let me in to change said password, without that password. :mad:


It is a Catch 22 scenario, and that is some catch, that Catch 22. :D




It will then email or text you reset details.

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I had a problem with a bus driver a month ago who was driving too closely to me. The traffic was heavy so I caught up with the bus and put my bike on the pavement and took a photo of the driver. When I passed the details to the bus company he was sacked.

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Hence why you can ask for any case to be heard by a jury of your peers, the peers part being the relevant bit. It was seen as the most 'fair' way of judging guilt or innocence by relying on what 'normal' people viewed as evidence rather than a judge whose world was likely to be very different. I still think it's the best system we have. Was a jury involved in this case or was it just a judge?


Don't know sgtkate. The case was " bang to rights" really the woman was out of order, not sure how or where it was decided, but am I right in thinking she received an 18 month sentence, in which case that would have been a Crown Court, or have I heard/read wrong ?

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Don't know sgtkate. The case was " bang to rights" really the woman was out of order, not sure how or where it was decided, but am I right in thinking she received an 18 month sentence, in which case that would have been a Crown Court, or have I heard/read wrong ?


Presumably the suspended sentence was activated so Im not sure if that would need to go back to a higher court.


Either way she shouldn't have done it and rightly got caught. I don't think the sentence was at all unreasonable. Vine should perhaps stop being a little holier than thou - it does rather smack of him going looking for trouble for the news aspect of it all and he does cyclists no favours.

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No one has mentioned but she was also driving an 'unlicenced vehicle'. Not sure what that means in laymans terms; no tax?


Either incompetent or saw herself as above the law. Looking at the footage, I'd say the latter.


She sounds like an absolute horror. The kind of person you can really do without encountering as you go about your business.

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The woman has been rightly and deservedly punished. What doesn't sit easy with me is this holier than thou morally superior " my rights have been infringed" ( not a quote), attitude of this upper middle class Public school educated pampered BBC employee, who indignantly took a social inferior to court to be judged no doubt by someone with a similarly privileged background to himself.


Having said that perhaps she should learn not to be so aggressive and calm down a bit


I sort of agree. If it wasn't Jeremy vine (who makes my mother want to throw the radio when he comes on) but onewheeldave that was the victim I can't help but think the sentence would have been far less.

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She sounds like an absolute horror. The kind of person you can really do without encountering as you go about your business.


I encounter these sorts of people on a more or less weekly basis. The general close pass, left hook stuff is daily, but verbal abuse, actual threats to kill - about once a week.

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When and where did I say it was "good" ?


You didn't. I was asking if you did think it was good. It was a question, not a statement or an accusation. Hence the question mark.


---------- Post added 20-04-2017 at 16:33 ----------


I sort of agree. If it wasn't Jeremy vine (who makes my mother want to throw the radio when he comes on) but onewheeldave that was the victim I can't help but think the sentence would have been far less.


That's entirely possible. However, it's not just cos it was Jeremy Vine- the main factor is he filmed it, had the attitude to not accept being bullied, and, followed it through.


While his celebrity status or class may have helped, the fact remains that other non-celebrity people have also, with video evidence and the right attitude, had success in similar instances.


The other good thing about wearing a cam to capture this kind of harassment, is that it can also be plastered across Youtube/social media, which will


1. encourage others to film moronic motorist behaviour that puts cyclist lives at risk


2. hopefully shut up the apologists who often crop up on threads like this to suggest that anyone using video evidence (which, at the end of the day is nothing other than a simple objective record of what actually happened are somehow slimy for doing so.

Edited by onewheeldave
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2. hopefully shut up the apologists (several on this thread as usual) who spring up to suggest that anyone using video evidence (which, at the end of the day is nothing other than a simple objective record of what actually happened are somehow slimy for doing so.


What "several apologists?" I don't see many if any on here supporting her.

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