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Should the judge be lenient to the woman who assaulted Jeremy Vine?

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OK since you wont let it go...


A gentleman's agreement requires both parties to be gentlemen. I don't consider that both parties here are in fact gentlemen. You can take that any way you please.


Now if you really don't want to read my posts I can recommend to you the excellent ignore function that you probably should have employed a long time ago.


---------- Post added 21-04-2017 at 14:57 ----------


With any luck, on appeal, this thug will have her sentence increased. 8)


Hang on she decided to be daft enough to appeal?


Roll the dice and take your chances....

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OK since you wont let it go...


A gentleman's agreement requires both parties to be gentlemen. I don't consider that both parties here are in fact gentlemen. You can take that any way you please.



Now if you really don't want to read my posts I can recommend to you the excellent ignore function that you probably should have employed a long time ago.

I would love to. Problem is you'd no doubt continue to comment on, and, misinterpret/misrepresent my posts, and I wouldn't know anything about it, or, be able to correct said misinterpretations/misrepresentations.


Anyway, the offer was made, the solution was proposed, as usual you tried to misrepresent it (as "being dictated to" :loopy:) and, basically, declined to engage with a sincere and sensible suggestion.


Noted. And I'll leave it at that.

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The cyclist is in a far, far better position to judge what 'too close' is, than the person in, what is effectively, a metal box, and, on the right hand side of said box. The cyclist being able to see the left side of said box,

just inches away.No it wouldn't! You're exaggerating for effect! Some cyclists are nervous, but a bus passing on the other side of the road is exactly where the bus should be when passing, and, no cyclist is so nervous that they would experience excess anxiety at that (because, if they really were that anxious, there's no way they'd be on the road)Are you serious!! A bus contacting handlebars is basically attempted murder.

No, not subjective- objective, as, there are clearly circumstances where the judgement is clear, and, would stand up in court. Ironically, you've mentioned them both above (other side of road=fine, touching bars=not fine).


See! Subjective Lol. I suggest you look up the definition of attempted murder though, however looking at your rants against other road users I would say you are not made of the sterner stuff.

Edited by monkey104
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You caused a man to lose his job and livelihood because he was driving a bit near to you?

I hope you are proud of yourself.


If a person's job is to drive a vehicle, and they can't do it properly and without endangering the lives of others, then they are in the wrong job and should be sacked from it. I'm not much cop at laying bricks, but I'm not going to take a job as a brick layer and then moan after being sacked because of not being good enough at it.

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