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Democracy and Nigel

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I presume you are referring to the man holding up the sign behind Mr Farage's back.

I think it is extremely rude and childish.

Very unBritish, imagine holding up such a sign behind a cricket umpires back.


Farage is rude and childish (see his speech after brexit at the eu parliament if you aren't sure). What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

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I think some chap did eventually have a word in his ear. Farage should've turned round and lamped him one.
As per UKIP tradition at the European Parliament :hihi:


Never a more appropriate time to remind you that what is sauce for the goose is sauce for gander. By your yardstick, Farage can count himself lucky he didn't get lamped by Juncker :P

Edited by L00b
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Farage is a liability and an embarrassment to this country.


He does not have one gentlemanly bone in his body.

His style and attitude are totally un-British.


The way he led the Leave campaign rubbed off on other people in the leadership, and the whole thing descended into the omni-shambles we have today.


If the result had been handled properly, and calmly, the whole thing would have probably progressed without too much difficulty.


Instead, it was reduced by him to a very personal level, and he is still continuing this.

The personal insults he slavers and throws about in the European Parliament have no place in decent society.


The rest of us have to live with our fellow Europeans, whether through work, or merely being holiday in their countries, he obviously does not care about this.


He is a traitor and a disgrace to the nation as a whole, and to England in particular.


He should be removed from the public arena, before he does any more damage.

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