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Most Ironic protest in history

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If Israel was inclined to exterminate the Palestinians they've had 50 years to do so.


I wasn't saying they will, I was just saying that Trump gives them more leeway, especially in regard to illegal settlement building. They'll be watching Steve Bannon closely though.

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I wasn't saying they will, I was just saying that Trump gives them more leeway, especially in regard to illegal settlement building. They'll be watching Steve Bannon closely though.


Yes. I'm not sure that the settlements are meaningfully illegal as the land may have been taken in war but as it was only taken in war by the previous owners 20 years earlier I don't see how that's a thing.

I do tend to think that these settlements are not in the interests of peace though so I'm content for them to be criticised and discouraged.

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If Israel was inclined to exterminate the Palestinians they've had 50 years to do so.


Yes. I'm not sure that the settlements are meaningfully illegal as the land may have been taken in war but as it was only taken in war by the previous owners 20 years earlier I don't see how that's a thing.

I do tend to think that these settlements are not in the interests of peace though so I'm content for them to be criticised and discouraged.


Did you miss the recent UN ruling that they are illegal in international law? The US abstained and didn't use their veto. Some US pro-Israel group called Obama a "Jew hater" for that which is ridiculous and unhelpful as it waters down criticism of real Jew haters.

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Did you miss the recent UN ruling that they are illegal in international law? The US abstained and didn't use their veto. Some US pro-Israel group called Obama a "Jew hater" for that which is ridiculous and unhelpful as it waters down criticism of real Jew haters.


Yes. The UN rather makes up international law as it goes along. But I suppose they're still a better judge than me.

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Thousand of students have, in the name of peace, democracy and free speech, used violence and threats to prevent a man they don't agree with from speaking on the grounds that they won't like what he has to say.

These "anti-fascists", have succeeded in silencing the dissenting voice amongst them, and their opponent's alternative point of view will not now be heard.


In another victory for "anti-fascism", this homosexual immigrant has also had his twitter account removed, so that we can all be protected from his words.


I knew I shouldn't have stepped through that looking-glass.




Fascist book publisher denies troll freedom of speech.:hihi:




Simon & Schuster has cancelled the publication of Milo Yiannopoulos’ book, and his fellow Breitbart employees have reportedly threatened to quit if he is not fired.


A statement from the publisher late on Monday said: “After careful consideration, Simon & Schuster and its Threshold Editions imprint have cancelled publication of Dangerous by Milo Yiannopoulos.”


Yiannopoulos confirmed the report on Facebook with a post: “They canceled my book.”


He added: “I’ve gone through worse. This will not defeat me.”

Edited by chalga
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What you need to learn unbeliever is that ,people with rich mommies and daddies,people who ride bicycles,people who order cous cous or houmas (rather than just eating it because its there),people who give their children far out names,men who sport hipster beards and attend "womens" rallies,women who knit pink fluffy hats in the name of anti feminism and people who sit all day thinking of letters to add on the end of LGBTQIEA.......etc, (any two or more of the above) are better than you and know better than you! Because of that they can do anything (violence,criminal damage,illegal activities) and say anything (no matter how outrageous) in the name of their cause and at the cost of anyone elses.

You see,they are righteous and correct and we are stupid and have lesser opinions so they are educating us and encouraging us to not be so silly.


For example


You pointed out (quite correctly in my silly opinion) that its fascism in the name of anti-fascism to Chalga.

Chalga then moved the goal posts of the definition of fascism (because Chalga is better than you and cleverererer) and re-educated you so youre not a silly billy anymore and now realise you were wrong all along and your opion means nothing because you dont fit in with the self proclaimed righteous in-crowd of the moment.

Youre not a majority-minority or a male feminist or a fascist-antifascist or any other of those thoroughly modern and never wrong groups whose opinions are important unfortunately,im really sorry.


My advice is to grow yourself a beard to get cous cous and houmous (organic and from waitrose of course!) to get stuck in as you ride your bike with a plastic chair on the back with Starlilly or Moonshower (or whatever you choose to change your childrens name to by deed poll). Only then do you stand a chance of being right about anything im afraid these days and joining the ranks of the elite and gaining their respect.


I hope thats explained to you how to get a voice and stopped you from being silly and thinking your opinions are valid unbeliever.


(as an aside its prudent to point out that when it all kicks off and turns from pseudo violence and pseudo anarchy into the real thing then all the poor little righteous boys and girls come over all "dont you know who my daddy is","OMG ......Youre being soooo (racist,homophobic,fascist....) insert name here...","ive got to go.....ive just remembered theres a gay,black,elephant with learning difficulties stuck down a fascist dictator-like well in a country youre too poor or ill-educated to pronounce who really needs our help" etc etc as they disappear into the ether and onto their next great cause)


Until then all i can suggest is to be very anti socialist and buy shares in Waitrose,bicycle puncture repair kits,wool and beard oil and amass a fortune as you wait it out.


Lol, best post on the thread and totally ignored.

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