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70 years old and fit

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Hi echo that, although I do keep quiet about it !


It's about the same for me but it seems to me that many people, mistakenly expect a person of that age to have something wrong.

For instance my wife, about that age, went for a routine check at the doctors and it was someone she hadn't seen before who was amazed, as she put it, that my wife didn't take any pills.

As for me, when I went for a flue jab the nurse seemed genuinely surprised that I didn't have diabetes.

It may be just me but this seems like the wrong attitude.

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Here's a poem below about reaching 70 (with homage to the great McGonagall)



‘Death has no dominion’, the famous poet said

But death must have a dominion, as that poet is now dead

So when a man reaches seventy, there’s something on his mind

Thoughts of the Grim Reaper and the fate of all mankind.

Heart attack; stroke; dementia; or the ‘big C’

All deadly weapons in the Reaper’s armoury

How many years after three score years and ten?

The nagging question of when, when, when?

Will it be quick and painless, or a slow fading away?

Will it be relief ora desperate struggle on the final day?

Will there be years of blood tests, scans and surgery?

Or a sudden falling over, like a dying tree?

‘I’m as fit as a forty year old’ the man may say

But words count for nothing when the Reaper’s on his way

When a man reaches seventy, there’s something on his mind

Thoughts of the Grim Reaper and the fate of all mankind.

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Here's a poem below about reaching 70 (with homage to the great McGonagall)



‘Death has no dominion’, the famous poet said

But death must have a dominion, as that poet is now dead

So when a man reaches seventy, there’s something on his mind

Thoughts of the Grim Reaper and the fate of all mankind.

Heart attack; stroke; dementia; or the ‘big C’

All deadly weapons in the Reaper’s armoury

How many years after three score years and ten?

The nagging question of when, when, when?

Will it be quick and painless, or a slow fading away?

Will it be relief ora desperate struggle on the final day?

Will there be years of blood tests, scans and surgery?

Or a sudden falling over, like a dying tree?

‘I’m as fit as a forty year old’ the man may say

But words count for nothing when the Reaper’s on his way

When a man reaches seventy, there’s something on his mind

Thoughts of the Grim Reaper and the fate of all mankind.


Wo ever wrote that was not seventy, as you feel no different mentally from when you were seventeen.

Apart from your ability to mock people the more.

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Wo ever wrote that was not seventy, as you feel no different mentally from when you were seventeen.

Apart from your ability to mock people the more.




Not so in my case, when I was seventeen I was "wick" at 67 I spend half my day trying to remember what I did for the other half. Your mentality certainly falls away as you age, as does your physical ability.



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Wo ever wrote that was not seventy, as you feel no different mentally from when you were seventeen.

Apart from your ability to mock people the more.


I wrote it myself.


Be realistic: no one at 70 can be the same as they were at 17 (either mentally or physically). It may be a comforting illusion to think so, but this is all it is.

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I am very happy for you ripon street, but I have to agree with Jomie. Fitness in old age is a lot to do with luck and genetics. Yes keeping fit is important, but not always a barrier to ill health. It's often just the luck of the draw .The danger is we start blaming people for growing old and needing help.

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Been doing the same early morning (6am) walk almost every morning to collect morning newspaper, summer/winter for the for over 25 years, approximately 1.75 miles in 33 minutes, works out at just over 3 miles per hour. Must admit I am slowing down a bit these days.

Last weeks pedometer graph

click here




Almost forgot to say I am 84 and that's not months


Is that 3 miles there and back ? Me ? I'd find a nearer paper shop.

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However you look or feel at 70 your body is still 70 years old and eventually the body will start to fail whatever your lifestyle.

I agree that genetics and just luck are the main factors.

My lovely Mum now looks every one of her 88 years but at the age of 75 would have passed for 10 years younger. Alzheimer's disease has taken its toll despite her being a very active and healthy living woman all of her life.

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