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Tram Trains thread

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As it is a government job, there is no reason to think that the work will stop. Especially as they have pledged that all public sector work will be paid directly.


By all accounts from those in the know, all the delays to this project have been down to network rail.

"Sorry. The multi-million pound project that you are awaiting has been delayed. An alternative wheelbarrow service is available."

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All the trackwork and 95% of the wiring and platform work is complete.

Signalling-not sure, testing is to be done.

The Carillion team on this project has plenty of essential and profitable work to do and no doubt will be kept going by the administrators.


The National train timetable includes TrainTram running from May.


The finishing of tram train work is indeed a protected project.


The tram has paths to Parkgate from May for driver training and vehicle/system testing, new service is due to launch in the Autumn.


Incidentally Parkgate to Meadowhall via Rotherham Central in 10 minutes compares well to the journey by road doesn't it..

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Guest busdriver1
The finishing of tram train work is indeed a protected project.


The tram has paths to Parkgate from May for driver training and vehicle/system testing, new service is due to launch in the Autumn.


Incidentally Parkgate to Meadowhall via Rotherham Central in 10 minutes compares well to the journey by road doesn't it..


Depends on where you are going at Meadowhall. A 10 minute walk with luggage will knock the shine off if you are travelling onwards.

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Been on one 3 times now Tram Trains feel like old bone rattlers not very smooth


Yes they are and you can here them coming from further away.


One of the most critical part of this trial are issues to do with all aspects of ride quality- which includes comfort.

Tram tracks and tram tyres have a different shape to ones on the railway. Because of higher speeds and longer straight sections, ordinary trams begin to roll and pitch more, this is dangerous (Croydon) at junctions and causes expensive wear. On the railway a tram would roll and pitch even more as the wheel flanges are too shallow-it would be catastrophic.

To reduce the roll and pitch, speed restriction was the traditional solution. On tram train, suspension stiffness, electronic control, special frog and guard rails and tyre shape will be tested.


If they cannot get this bit right in terms of costs, comfort and safety the route will be scrapped and the trial will end. The new trams will be converted into tram only operation.

All the new tram trains have ordinary tram wheels which makes this observation worrisome.

Blackpool removed its most modern set of trams (1960's) from normal service for this and other problems The Advanced Passenger Train was abandoned for similar reasons in the 1980's -famously invited reporters felt seasick.

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The service will run for 5 years after launch. Two years is the initial trial period but Supertram are contractually committed to operate for at least 5 years. They have built this into their business so to end sooner than 5 years based on ride quality would be a) subjective for a start (how is ride quality determined for example?), b) IMO ludicrous as a decision point as the service is about far more than ride and c) would cost dearly in terms of compensating Supertram for potential losses they’d incur through lost revenue, surplus staff costs...


The trial (which is essentially all about learning) is based on far more than ride quality - eg: cost effectiveness to build, value for money to operate compared to conventional rail and alternative solutions for urban connectivity amongst others.

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The service will run for 5 years after launch. Two years is the initial trial period but Supertram are contractually committed to operate for at least 5 years. They have built this into their business so to end sooner than 5 years based on ride quality would be a) subjective for a start (how is ride quality determined for example?), b) IMO ludicrous as a decision point as the service is about far more than ride and c) would cost dearly in terms of compensating Supertram for potential losses they’d incur through lost revenue, surplus staff costs...


The trial (which is essentially all about learning) is based on far more than ride quality - eg: cost effectiveness to build, value for money to operate compared to conventional rail and alternative solutions for urban connectivity amongst others.

If thats the case, it will probably be shut down in 2024. This isn't the South East (or Greater Manchester or Edinburgh).

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The service will run for 5 years after launch. Two years is the initial trial period but Supertram are contractually committed to operate for at least 5 years. They have built this into their business so to end sooner than 5 years based on ride quality would be a) subjective for a start (how is ride quality determined for example?), b) IMO ludicrous as a decision point as the service is about far more than ride and c) would cost dearly in terms of compensating Supertram for potential losses they’d incur through lost revenue, surplus staff costs...


The trial (which is essentially all about learning) is based on far more than ride quality - eg: cost effectiveness to build, value for money to operate compared to conventional rail and alternative solutions for urban connectivity amongst others.


As I said ride quality covers many aspects of railway engineering- including comfort and is critical to the success or otherwise of the trial.

All can be measured quantitively and acceptable levels of ride quality must be obtained.

Simply put- ride quality effects costs and safety. Poor riding quality increases wear and so increases vehicle and track failure If poor ride quality cannot be designed out then the trial will end at the point where revenue falls or extra costs and/or safety limits are exceeded. There are countless examples of this in transport history.


The current Stagecoach operating franchise ends in 2024 and neither they or the owners have any obligation to run the new tram trains or route beyond the two year trial.

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