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NPower to raise Electric charges by 15%, Gas by 4.9%

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they don't really need to work together just need one to take the lead setting higher prices then they can all follow along, has the same effect in the end that you'll be hard pushed to find a supplier with lower prices.


You are absolutely correct they are all screwing us,even some of the smaller companies.I am shortly due to come off a tariff which will have cost me £730 approx for the year,my present company will then move me on to a tariff which will cost me £1020 for the same usage.I have done a price comparison and the cheapest was £895.A bit cheaper I agree,but they are all jumping on the bandwagon.

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Does uswitch ask about the panels?




If you decide to find a better deal on your gas and electricity don't let the fact you have solar panels put you off.

Although in most cases your current energy supplier also pays your Feed-in Tariff, this doesn't mean you can't switch to a new gas and electricity provider.


Why? Simply because Feed-in Tariffs are a type of subsidy paid out by most of the country’s energy suppliers, so whichever company you sign up with initially (your Feed-in Tariff licensee) must continue to pay you your rate.


If you want to, you can even change which supplier purchases your excess electricity.



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Yes but when you are due for a new one, like myself on a fixed tariff then it will go up when you renew and you can bet that there will be another increase next year. It is pure greed on these companies part, utilities should never be in private hands, they should be run by the Government not foreign owners.


Not exactly so. On a Scottish Power fixed rate contract at £74 per month which finishes at the end of April 2017.

Advised of fuel increases and that their best fixed rate offer after that time will cost me £98 per month. But to take advantage of that "offer" they advise me to agree to it now as it could be withdrawn and I would then miss out. I would have expected then that my present contract run until the end of April, after which the new contract would start.

But no. The change would take immediate effect. So in order to have the "privilege" of a new fixed contract costing me £24 per month extra I'm expected to pay the extra £24 for the remaining two months of the current contract.

As I see it, they would have terminated the existing contract early - no doubt legally as I would have agreed to it. Think I'll take the risk, continue on my £74 and then shop around.

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