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Old Primark building to become an EasyHotel

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Do you not think that building a hotel rather than leaving an empty old store to rot is maybe a contributor to lifting the area?


As for the apparent shame of putting up your client's in the city accommodation, that to me says far more about your clients than the location.


I certainly dont have any embarrassment at putting my clients up overnight in this city. The majority of which have been more than happy at the Royal Vic or Hilton.


As someone who stays over a lot myself in other locations, Sheffield is nowhere near the worst. Try the lower end of Leeds near the station and Hilton areas. Try the upper end of Corporation Street in Birmingham.


God sake - what is drama here. We should be happy for one less empty block and another addition to the ONGOING redevelopment around the whole of Castlegate / Waingate.


Yes there are some vagrants. Yes there are some areas which are more grim than others, but that's the same story in EVERY city centre.


Constant negativity from people just for the sake of it.


If they dont do something, people moan about the city lagging behind.....


When they try and build something, people criticise and make comparisons of the area around it....


When they actually do build something, people moan about the architecture, costs, clientele or purpose.....


When a building reaches the end of its life, people moan about them being left to rot and looking an eyesore....


When a company tries to redevelop or pull it down, people scream and shout that its vital to our heritage and should be kept....


When a new project is proposed, people moan its not the same as the old one and not good enough....


Round and round it goes.... Its pathetic.


Honestly makes me wonder why companies bother. Seems to me we get the city we deserve.


Well said - I get fed up with the negativity of some people on here, I'm so glad that the building is being used for a new business rather than being left derelict like the old Coop building

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