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Anyone a mechanic on here? Advice only (no jobs/quotes etc)

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"Economy mode" means that the battery is going flat and the car has turned off things like electric windows, heater and radio to save power.


I bet the regulator on the alternator has gone and its been overcharging.


I've surprised that when a new battery was fitted, the voltage wasn't checked.


Check your key by doing the "beep test" - put key in ignition and open door.  If you hear beeps then the car is detecting the key.


If your key broke up, check you haven't lost the ID46 chip from inside the case:


Image result for id46 chip


If you need the key code or a replacement key, there's a great chap in Bradford who does them for a fraction of the price of the dealers.  See item 14:



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2 minutes ago, gamezone07 said:

thing is the car is parked in Porter Brook GP Centre! It can't stay there much longer,

If the car starts and runs why can't you move it from there?


Has anyone actually measured the charging voltage with the engine running and up to temperature?  The problem with chucking second hand batteries at the problem is that you really need to check charging circuits with a fully charged battery in reasonably good nick.


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6 minutes ago, gamezone07 said:

Sorry, not sure why the quote and nothing else.

It's this new format that seems to submit a reply before it is finished! 😡


What I was going to say is if you know someone with a car and a set of (decent) jump leads, try starting it with their engine running. If your car runs alright with the other car hooked up then dies when the leads are disconnected then you almost certainly have a charging problem. If it still runs 'rough' with a healthy charging system hooked up to it then you have a different problem which will need further investigation.

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If it is eating batteries it could well be a charging fault but don't fall foul of the old school boy error and just replace the alternator on a whim. Dodgy engine earths can cause charging problems, seen it a thousand times at work no exaggeration. They can obviously cause other running faults too, so that would be the first thing I would check. Second would be fuses, Highly unlikely in this case but still an over looked fault. Next would be to check for a drain (Dodgy regulators on alternators can cause this amongst loads of other stuff) If this is all good, I would then check the charge rate, if all the other checks are ok then it has to be the alternator.  

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