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Should we have more veg and fruit community gardens ?

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Can't we buy fruit and veg from countries such as America, Egypt, Australia or are we not allowed to do this because of EU rules? The cost of flying them into this country could put the price up a bit more.

When we leave the EU we need to be a bit more self sufficient and start to produce more in this country, even if it is not the more exotic food.


We could fly in lettuce from Egypt or America but at a huge cost in CO2 emissions that come from air freight. If we want to maintain the planet we live on, we need to think about growing more food locally.

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We could fly in lettuce from Egypt or America but at a huge cost in CO2 emissions that come from air freight. If we want to maintain the planet we live on, we need to think about growing more food locally.


I agree, all this free trade stuff is non-sense.

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Yes I am all in favour of growing things local and more does need to be done.

We will have to have more greenhouses heated of course by solar energy if this is possible, to grow lettuce in colder weather.

I think I should leave this topic to the experts on here who are geenfingered.

I am definitely not.

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Yes I am all in favour of growing things local and more does need to be done.

We will have to have more greenhouses heated of course by solar energy if this is possible, to grow lettuce in colder weather.

I think I should leave this topic to the experts on here who are geenfingered.

I am definitely not.



there's pit greenhouses and Chinese greenhouses but im not convinced we would have enough light in the uk to make them work well for winter crops.



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We have a community garden at St Mary's on Bramall Lane. We use raised-beds in the grounds of the church. Our volunteers grow vegetables that go straight into our café.


Community growing projects like ours are a great way for people to get out of the house and get their hands dirty, make friends and feel useful.


If you know anyone who could do with feeling better, please ask them to pop-in to St Mary's or give us a call on 0114 223 0240 to find out more.




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