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Neighbours are having a "party" evening..

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My new neighbours are delightfully..... ummm...... quirky.


I've been invited already to a raw foodie evening. Not really my sort of thing - I can do oysters but uncooked chicken (I kid you not) is probably more than my gastrointestinal system can cope with at my age.


So not to be rebuffed I now have an invite to the biggie - they are putting on a slideshow and seminar about a subject dear to their hearts. I though the looking into the skies and photography I've seen them indulging in was birdwatching. No feathery twitching here - this is a chemtrail evening.... yes we get to look at pictures of clouds and scare each other about sinister machinations of shadowy - and entirely non-existant - departments. These are somehow but no one knows exactly how linked in some way to the Illiminati, the Masons, the Secret Seven and the Famous Five. Or all of them. Possibly.


I can tell it's going to end badly, but I cant resist sometimes when there is such a tempting target. So do I dress as an airline pilot or go in full Masonic regalia?


What's their address I like having a party!:hihi:

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