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Fund the NHS adequately

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Let me counter your points a little bit.


Firsty, putting aside any life long debilitating conditions and disability [which should quite rightly be protected parties]


For everyone else, I personally find it disgusting that someone who has worked hard all their lives, fully paid into the system and managed to build some assets is forced to sell them just to be put into exactly the same home with exactly the same levels of care alongside someone who has chosen never to work a day in their life and not paid squat into the system. How is that fair?


It should either be free for all, chargeable for all or at the very least two tiered with a choice.


Those who choose to pay get better service, increased provision and better facilities. Those who choose not to pay get state basic provision and bare minimum. Sounds much fairer to me.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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Let me counter your points a little bit.


Firsty, putting aside any life long debilitating conditions and disability [which should quite rightly be protected parties]


For everyone else, I personally find it disgusting that someone who has worked hard all their lives, fully paid into the system and managed to build some assets is forced to sell them just to be put into exactly the same home with exactly the same levels of care alongside someone who has chosen never to work a day in their life and not paid squat into the system. How is that fair?


It should either be free for all, chargeable for all or at the very least two tiered with a choice.


Those who choose to pay get better service, increased provision and better facilities. Those who choose not to pay get state basic provision and bare minimum. Sounds much fairer to me.


And that's the idea that we need to correct. There hasn't been enough paid into the system for the benefits that are being provided/expected. Your points are kind of moot in this discussion though, the NHS doesn't extend to social care.


As for care homes, you are indeed free to pay for them privately if you choose, but that doesn't mean you can escape responsibility to pay your taxes to support those less fortunate.


What's disgusting is the idea that people who are so fortunate, to be able to pay, should think they are somehow entitled to a better service as if they are somehow more important or special. If we have a two teir service perhaps we should come up with a better measure of a person's worth than their bank balance.

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I'm sure that we do need more hospitals in some areas but number one priority must be doctors and nurses.

Wards and beds are constantly being closed because there is insufficient staff to service them.


Many existing wards are understaffed.

The Government have addressed this by making more places for people to train to be a nurse available but then they removed the bursaries to fund the new places. Result ? Even less people are applying to do their nurse training because they can't afford to lose a wage in their household for 3 years.

Well done Tory Government !:rolleyes:

Then throw into the mix the systematic demoralisation of the nursing profession by this Government which has caused many to leave the profession or retire early and we end up in the situation we are in today.

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Many existing wards are understaffed.

The Government have addressed this by making more places for people to train to be a nurse available but then they removed the bursaries to fund the new places. Result ? Even less people are applying to do their nurse training because they can't afford to lose a wage in their household for 3 years.

Well done Tory Government !:rolleyes:

Then throw into the mix the systematic demoralisation of the nursing profession by this Government which has caused many to leave the profession or retire early and we end up in the situation we are in today.


This is a crisis coming this way, yes.


A large proportion of the people who enter nurse training are in their late twenties and have some family commitments. It turns out that they are unwilling to pay £45,000 to become a nurse.


The government realised it's cheaper to buy in nurses from abroad who are already trained, but this approach is failing since the change to a hostile attitude towards immigrants.

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This is a crisis coming this way, yes.


A large proportion of the people who enter nurse training are in their late twenties and have some family commitments. It turns out that they are unwilling to pay £45,000 to become a nurse.


The government realised it's cheaper to buy in nurses from abroad who are already trained, but this approach is failing since the change to a hostile attitude towards immigrants.


Is it a hostile attitude towards immigrants? I am not hostile towards them at all, but is it right to take nurses away from countries who have paid to train them and who are needed in their own country?


We need nurses, we should train our own and be prepared to pay for it.

It isn't just nurses, but across a whole range of jobs where proper training is required, we are deskilling our nation, until all we will be fit for in the end is minimum wage jobs.


Is this the plan?

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I think if a nurse from abroad is to work here (or any professional medic) they should be able to speak English that we can understand particularly behind a mask. Tho the dentist has wonderful qualifications, my friend finds it difficult to keep asking him to repeat everything as his accent is so strong Spanish.

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