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Fund the NHS adequately

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I agree.


As for your mother's situation, it's a lot more common than you would think, and it really annoys me to death. These managers that do next to nothing paid 6 figure salaries, while people who know the job inside out, work dam hard and do it really well, get next to nothing. It's true of so many industries.


How have we allowed this to happen? And what can be done to improve the situation? Please please can we start to shed staff from the top, rather than the bottom? In many cases they would hardly be missed, and the savings would be far greater. Of course, they aren't going to sack themselves (or their friends,) so we need an outside body to do it.


Until this starts to happen we're pretty much doomed. No wonder productivity is so low.


It seems to be more of a problem in Britain than elsewhere. Is it?


Well, you're bound to think it's worse here than anywhere else as you have such a low opinion of this country.


We want people to go to university and marginalise those who don't. So they have to be managers once they come out - and as has been rightly pointed out - half can't manage. People at the top aren't going to sack themselves. Outside body to over see all of it? What, like the government? Behave.


In other news the lib dems came out on Monday with the bold idea of coming out with a specific tax to fund the NHS (which technically NI should pay for) which was hidden well inside the papers. Given that NI would need to be at least trebled to fund the NHS and social care, should we do it?

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VERY old news, mel, but I've no doubt you checked that prior to posting? Of course you did(n't)

But complain all we like about the NHS, Foriegners...etc etc has it changed? are we still shoveling millions and billions down the wrong chutes? is it not part of the problem of why the NHS is in dire straits (no not the band) NOW?

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Well, you're bound to think it's worse here than anywhere else as you have such a low opinion of this country.


We want people to go to university and marginalise those who don't. So they have to be managers once they come out - and as has been rightly pointed out - half can't manage. People at the top aren't going to sack themselves. Outside body to over see all of it? What, like the government? Behave.


In other news the lib dems came out on Monday with the bold idea of coming out with a specific tax to fund the NHS (which technically NI should pay for) which was hidden well inside the papers. Given that NI would need to be at least trebled to fund the NHS and social care, should we do it?


I do not have a low opinion of this country, I love it. But a problem can't be fixed until it is at least acknowledged. Short termism is also rife in political circles because there's a good chance they won't be around in 5 years to see a job through. We need more cross party long term planning.


I treasure the NHS, but that doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement. It won't survive unlesss it undergoes rigorous investigations into how it can be improved and developed.

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I treasure the NHS, but that doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement. It won't survive unlesss it undergoes rigorous investigations into how it can be improved and developed.

the rich syphoning off most of the money wont allow it to survive :(

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I do not have a low opinion of this country, I love it. But a problem can't be fixed until it is at least acknowledged. Short termism is also rife in political circles because there's a good chance they won't be around in 5 years to see a job through. We need more cross party long term planning.


I treasure the NHS, but that doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement. It won't survive unlesss it undergoes rigorous investigations into how it can be improved and developed.


By cross-party planning you mean the tories be more like labour. Party politics is at its most polarised since the 80s and brexit is fuelling that. It won't change anytime soon.


Again, I suspect they'll be no improvement anytime soon in the NHS - any ideas put forward by a Tory government will be dismissed out of hand. Give us more money seems to be the main thing. Save money? Make the NHS work more efficiently? **** no.

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I do not have a low opinion of this country, I love it. But a problem can't be fixed until it is at least acknowledged. Short termism is also rife in political circles because there's a good chance they won't be around in 5 years to see a job through. We need more cross party long term planning.


I treasure the NHS, but that doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement. It won't survive unlesss it undergoes rigorous investigations into how it can be improved and developed.


Its rare we do but for once I fully agree with you.


The NHS itself does need rigourous investigations into some of its own internal failures (which we cannot deny exist) as well as more government wide failures.


Cross party is something that has been invisible over the past few years. IMO its only got worse with Corbyn & Co's attitudes.


Whilst I know there is an obvious place for opposition to challenge the government that should not ever be the default setting.


At the moment nearly every single little government announcement is instantly dismissed by the opposition. Every proposal, idea, rough draft or even brain fart is picked up, criticised, challenged, tweeted about, analysed and dismissed before a thing is put to paper.


Even when the government does come up with something positive opposition MPs (and even some of those on the same side) are falling over themselves to spout off about how its xxxx idea just rehashed or its some stolen policy because they cannot think for themselves blah blah.


We are about to face one of the more turbulent political periods for decades. Enough with the school yard cat calling and backstabbing. BOTH sides of the house need to crack their heads together, start co-operating and get on with the job that us taxpayers are paying them to do.

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Fundamentally, until we are appropriately taxed, as in higher on our income for example, the government will never be able to fund the NHS properly.


So everyone who is complaining about the NHS not being adequately funded. Stop complaining unless you're prepared to get taxed more for it.

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Fundamentally, until we are appropriately taxed, as in higher on our income for example, the government will never be able to fund the NHS properly.


So everyone who is complaining about the NHS not being adequately funded. Stop complaining unless you're prepared to get taxed more for it.


Agreed. We can talk about waste but I don't think we pay as much for it as we should. I asked on countless occasions how much forumites are willing to pay but never had an answer.

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