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Fund the NHS adequately

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The guy that runs Motorbility, dealing with transport for the disabled, paid himself a £1.7 million salary last year, when a lot of disabled people have had their mobility payments cut or stopped altogether.


Motability Operations’ annual turnover is around £4.2bn, I dont know how much its leader should be paid(Mike Betts); how much do you think?


Motability pricing is independently assessed as being more than 40% cheaper than retail lease agreements, which is possible because of the unique VAT concessions that the Motability Scheme enjoys.

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Then we should all pay a bit more, BUT will it be spent wisely?


How many times have we heard that X amount extra is going into the NHS, but things only seem to get worse? We need some major reform, and some joined up thinking. I'd also like to see ideas come from the people who work in the profession, and not just a diktat from on high.


quite right, why do we employe managers that constantly need consultants to tell them how to do their job?

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quite right, why do we employe managers that constantly need consultants to tell them how to do their job?


We employ mps and prime minister's who employ advisors,seen a few of them on tv,I wouldn't employ some of these to advise me which loaf to buy.

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quite right, why do we employe managers that constantly need consultants to tell them how to do their job?


The consultant culture is crippling the U.K.


I read somewhere that just consultant costs alone make building a mile of road extortionately more in the U.K. than anywhere else.


To see this nonsense in action look at the Garden bridge in London. £50m cost to the taxpayer (a lot of it on consultants) before a single brick was laid.

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Despite what is being spent to keep the NHS running - today, I feel that money has to come from somewhere to plan and build new hospitals or waiting lists and ambulance queues will become unmanageable. Our population is growing.


One of the problems is that despite it not always being necessary to admit a person into hospital , they have to be because there are no resources in the community to support them at home. More out of hours visits by GP's or nurse practitioners in the community with the skills and resources to support that person would prevent an unnecessary admission so adding to the strain in the hospital setting.

That's where the funding needs to go in my opinion.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Given the budget of NHS England alone is £101 BILLION I'm not sure stopping those bonuses will turn the tide.


Still looks like a **** take if they are failing


---------- Post added 22-02-2018 at 02:13 ----------


The nhs has spent 600 million on consultants to help save cash,guess what they spend more,you couldn't make it up.


Once taken to a friend who just got a consultant gig for the NHS, asked him what he did, he said it was like asking someone with a watch if he could borrow it, and then telling them the time.

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This is a two way road, NHS accounts departments paying invoices for rubber gloves at £25.00 a pair, incorrect medication costing circa £1.5 billion per annum, etc, etc. ‘He who is without sin casteth the first stone’ comes to mind, get your end right NHS before you ask for the tax payer to fund your inadequacies.

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Still looks like a **** take if they are failing


---------- Post added 22-02-2018 at 02:13 ----------



Once taken to a friend who just got a consultant gig for the NHS, asked him what he did, he said it was like asking someone with a watch if he could borrow it, and then telling them the time.


Just 'cos you have a watch it doesn't mean you know how to use it properly... :)

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