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Effects of Brexit on travel / holidays to Europe

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Let`s be honest, most changes of government don`t directly affect most people. Brexit is different and one of the most obvious aspects is in European travel, something most of us do. This thread is about the possible problems when we go away on holiday or travel to Europe, what might happen and how we can mitigate the unfortunate implications.

Can anyone think of any in addition to these :


Visas etc. Will we need visas ? And, if not will we have to fill in landing cards every time we travel to another country in Europe ? This occurred to me whilst we were travelling back from a non European country and landing cards had to be filled in by all non UK or non EU residents. We had to fill them out travelling in the other direction and I can tell you it was a PITA, made worse by the fact that if you made a mistake you had to fill out a new one !


Customs. At the moment there are effectively no customs controls between EU countries. We go on the ferry each year to Rotterdam and buy four or five hundred pounds worth of wine. That lasts us the year and saves us up to £200. Will we go back to a maximum of two bottles like it used to be in the bad old days ?


EHICs (European Health Insurance Card) / medical insurance. Will the EHIC no longer be available ? It is handy, I used mine a few years ago in Portugal despite the fact we had travel insurance. It was simpler and didn`t involve then having to tell future insurers you`d claimed in the past. An additional problem is that (according to my travel agent) "most insurers advise that an EHIC card is now a requirement of your insurance cover". I assume it`s because they limit claims that way. One assumes that no EHIC card then means higher insurance premiums, is that the case ?


The above, by the way, illustrates perfectly why many people will not "just get over it" when we leave the EU. Every time we go abroad and are limited in what we can bring back, or have to fill out a landing card (and feel like an alien (as in the US Immigration definition)) will remind us what we`ve lost.

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Let`s be honest, most changes of government don`t directly affect most people. Brexit is different and one of the most obvious aspects is in European travel, something most of us do. This thread is about the possible problems when we go away on holiday or travel to Europe, what might happen and how we can mitigate the unfortunate implications.

Can anyone think of any in addition to these :


Visas etc. Will we need visas ? And, if not will we have to fill in landing cards every time we travel to another country in Europe ? This occurred to me whilst we were travelling back from a non European country and landing cards had to be filled in by all non UK or non EU residents. We had to fill them out travelling in the other direction and I can tell you it was a PITA, made worse by the fact that if you made a mistake you had to fill out a new one !


Customs. At the moment there are effectively no customs controls between EU countries. We go on the ferry each year to Rotterdam and buy four or five hundred pounds worth of wine. That lasts us the year and saves us up to £200. Will we go back to a maximum of two bottles like it used to be in the bad old days ?


EHICs (European Health Insurance Card) / medical insurance. Will the EHIC no longer be available ? It is handy, I used mine a few years ago in Portugal despite the fact we had travel insurance. It was simpler and didn`t involve then having to tell future insurers you`d claimed in the past. An additional problem is that (according to my travel agent) "most insurers advise that an EHIC card is now a requirement of your insurance cover". I assume it`s because they limit claims that way. One assumes that no EHIC card then means higher insurance premiums, is that the case ?


The above, by the way, illustrates perfectly why many people will not "just get over it" when we leave the EU. Every time we go abroad and are limited in what we can bring back, or have to fill out a landing card (and feel like an alien (as in the US Immigration definition)) will remind us what we`ve lost.


A LANDING CARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I think we have bigger problems then that.


---------- Post added 09-02-2017 at 14:10 ----------


Biggest issue with foreign travel is that the pound is now worthless as I found recently.

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From that report it looks like we will have to get used to bracing sea breezes at Skegness, and kiss me quick hats at Blackpool.


Not my idea of a relaxing holiday by any means, but at least the brexiters have their sovereignty to shout about.

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A LANDING CARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I think we have bigger problems then that.


Who said it was the biggest problem ? It`s just an extra annoyance, having to fill it out and stuff. Just as importantly, to me anyway, it emphasises that we are no longer altogether. No longer can we join the queue for EU citizens (which, in my experience often moves more quickly.....) but are "outsiders", with less rights than we had before.

That said, I did find it a pain in the **** filling out the landing card and customs declaration where we`ve just been on holiday. In fact I had to do two, one for me and one for our child, plus my wife had to do her own obviously. Scrabbling about trying to get our passports out and holiday details from the bags stuffed down below our seats was more annoying than you`d think, you know how it is on plane (apart from Business class....) it`s so soddin` cramped. And I made a mistake and had to do it again.

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Who said it was the biggest problem ? It`s just an extra annoyance, having to fill it out and stuff. Just as importantly, to me anyway, it emphasises that we are no longer altogether. No longer can we join the queue for EU citizens (which, in my experience often moves more quickly.....) but are "outsiders", with less rights than we had before.

That said, I did find it a pain in the **** filling out the landing card and customs declaration where we`ve just been on holiday. In fact I had to do two, one for me and one for our child, plus my wife had to do her own obviously. Scrabbling about trying to get our passports out and holiday details from the bags stuffed down below our seats was more annoying than you`d think, you know how it is on plane (apart from Business class....) it`s so soddin` cramped. And I made a mistake and had to do it again.

of course we'll be outsiders, we're the little kid sat alone at the back going ner ner ner ner dont wanna play

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Let`s be honest, most changes of government don`t directly affect most people. Brexit is different and one of the most obvious aspects is in European travel, something most of us do. This thread is about the possible problems when we go away on holiday or travel to Europe, what might happen and how we can mitigate the unfortunate implications.

Can anyone think of any in addition to these :


Visas etc. Will we need visas ? And, if not will we have to fill in landing cards every time we travel to another country in Europe ? This occurred to me whilst we were travelling back from a non European country and landing cards had to be filled in by all non UK or non EU residents. We had to fill them out travelling in the other direction and I can tell you it was a PITA, made worse by the fact that if you made a mistake you had to fill out a new one !


Customs. At the moment there are effectively no customs controls between EU countries. We go on the ferry each year to Rotterdam and buy four or five hundred pounds worth of wine. That lasts us the year and saves us up to £200. Will we go back to a maximum of two bottles like it used to be in the bad old days ?


EHICs (European Health Insurance Card) / medical insurance. Will the EHIC no longer be available ? It is handy, I used mine a few years ago in Portugal despite the fact we had travel insurance. It was simpler and didn`t involve then having to tell future insurers you`d claimed in the past. An additional problem is that (according to my travel agent) "most insurers advise that an EHIC card is now a requirement of your insurance cover". I assume it`s because they limit claims that way. One assumes that no EHIC card then means higher insurance premiums, is that the case ?


The above, by the way, illustrates perfectly why many people will not "just get over it" when we leave the EU. Every time we go abroad and are limited in what we can bring back, or have to fill out a landing card (and feel like an alien (as in the US Immigration definition)) will remind us what we`ve lost.


They are way down the list of importance.


It will simply be like it was before or how it is when you travel to non EU destinations. Visas as per the individual countries. It will take longer and cost more unless they negotiate something.


The biggest issue is economics. Nobody knows at the moment although for anyone buying foreign goods, then the very weak £ hurts and price rises will start to affect everyone.

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Who said it was the biggest problem ? It`s just an extra annoyance, having to fill it out and stuff. Just as importantly, to me anyway, it emphasises that we are no longer altogether. No longer can we join the queue for EU citizens (which, in my experience often moves more quickly.....) but are "outsiders", with less rights than we had before.

That said, I did find it a pain in the **** filling out the landing card and customs declaration where we`ve just been on holiday. In fact I had to do two, one for me and one for our child, plus my wife had to do her own obviously. Scrabbling about trying to get our passports out and holiday details from the bags stuffed down below our seats was more annoying than you`d think, you know how it is on plane (apart from Business class....) it`s so soddin` cramped. And I made a mistake and had to do it again.


Where did you go? I can't remember having to ever fill one out.


I think the £ falling drastically is very annoying. Not too bothered about customs/duty free. Your £s worth less so probably not much of a saving to be had any more.

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A LANDING CARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I think we have bigger problems then that.


---------- Post added 09-02-2017 at 14:10 ----------


Biggest issue with foreign travel is that the pound is now worthless as I found recently.

I'll take them off your hands then if you don't want them.

We've just got back from holiday, the beer, food and local transport were still all cheaper than here. We changed pounds to euros and got just over 1.16 to the pound, a few years ago it was nearly down to parity.

As for ease of going through passport control, it took us forty minutes from getting off the plane to baggage reclaim, hardly speedy.

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They are way down the list of importance.


It will simply be like it was before or how it is when you travel to non EU destinations. Visas as per the individual countries. It will take longer and cost more unless they negotiate something.


The biggest issue is economics. Nobody knows at the moment although for anyone buying foreign goods, then the very weak £ hurts and price rises will start to affect everyone.


Obviously economics is the most important thing, well actually it isn`t, avoidance of war is, something ever hardly ever mentioned, despite the fact that was what the EU (or its initial manifestation) was set up for in the first place.

But that is discussed on other threads. This thread is about travel problems.


---------- Post added 09-02-2017 at 16:00 ----------


Where did you go? I can't remember having to ever fill one out.


I think the £ falling drastically is very annoying. Not too bothered about customs/duty free. Your £s worth less so probably not much of a saving to be had any more.


Barbados, but I`ve no reason to think it`d be different for other non EU countries. When we went to Aus and NZ we had to fill them in, and, if I`m remembering correctly, Cuba. Since our lad was born we don`t do much long haul (i.e. out of the EU) so it`s not that common for us any more. However, if, sorry when, we leave the EU it might all come flooding back again..... As I`ve said before, people who travel more would have been less likely to vote for Brexit, so they won`t be quite so bothered, but it seems a bit unfair they`re forcing all this inconvenience onto those of us who do travel.......


---------- Post added 09-02-2017 at 16:02 ----------


Where did you go? I can't remember having to ever fill one out.


I think the £ falling drastically is very annoying. Not too bothered about customs/duty free. Your £s worth less so probably not much of a saving to be had any more.


No I don`t think so. We bought the wine on the ferry, paying in pounds.

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Where did you go? I can't remember having to ever fill one out.


I think the £ falling drastically is very annoying. Not too bothered about customs/duty free. Your £s worth less so probably not much of a saving to be had any more.


We have never had to fill in forms for The EU for over 40 years. Many years ago I was working and living in Europe and things changed overnight. My German partner and I were in Sheffield once and my car got broken into, things never change, and I reported to the police office at the bottom off Snig Hill. My partner told the officer she used to have to report to that office as an alien, he asked her name and went away and came back with her file which he gave her saying we don't need these any more.

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