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Effects of Brexit on travel / holidays to Europe

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This a major problem in fact, for me at any rate.
It's still more of a problem for me, believe me.


Unlike you, I don't have to worry solely about buying property and living part time in the EU.


I have to worry, pragmatically, about -


(i) being able to stay here and how (as a non-British EU migrant)


(ii) being able to work here and how (per the above, and so support my family, 100% reliant on me as the sole breadwinner)


(iii) being able to maintain rights of audience to relevant bodies (goes with work above, and directly influences earnings potential: I'm already scheduled to lose my Irish registration, which hinges on EEA residence)


<myriad more details: accrued pension rights? maintained access to NHS? maintained validity of EU driving license? being able to renew my mortgage? etc.>


That's the personal stuff, I've not mentioned the business (as in: the business I'm a Director of) consequences (plenty of posts of mine about that in other Brexit threads).


It's a <removed> of epic proportions in the making, and none but those closest to it at the coalface seem to have grasped the fact so far. As you say, as reality sets in (more generally over time), <etc.>


But this isn't the thread for it, as such. It's one thread to start discussing aspects of that reality, and help it set in with its readers :)

Edited by nikki-red
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Oh the shock. The horror. I've been all over the world for business including having to get a Visa (and injections, yay) for different countries. It's really not difficult.


I think this thread is more exposing some of the real reasons why people voted against Brexit; they don't like a queue and don't like restrictions on cheap fags.

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Oh the shock. The horror. I've been all over the world for business including having to get a Visa (and injections, yay) for different countries. It's really not difficult.


I think this thread is more exposing some of the real reasons why people voted against Brexit; they don't like a queue and don't like restrictions on cheap fags.


So all we can tell from that is you've not been up against the coalface and dont actually have to run business across the EU.


As Loob says, it's incredibly difficult untwining all the problems with financial passporting, and legal audience rights as well. Thats why people are already leaving the City in large numbers for other locations and that trickle and drip of people is already going to have an effect and it's only going to be larger in future.


---------- Post added 10-02-2017 at 11:00 ----------


What's planned.. we don't know as A50 has yet to be triggered and then the detail of leaving will be up for discussion, including travel and customs when visiting an EU country. IMHO its too premature to worry and second guess what may or may not happen in the next 2 years or so. The government are the ones charged with the task so maybe we will know better in a year or so.


What can you do to avoid it.. that depends on what you want to avoid and whether you can avoid it.


Of course if you are say a French national married to a Belgian residing in the UK with two children who are both English then you might be wanting to worry about this now.


Especially if you own a couple of houses in this country, work for a Dutch company as well.


Gets a bit complex. They are currently trying to figure out how to travel as a family with a coherent set of passports..

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So all we can tell from that is you've not been up against the coalface and dont actually have to run business across the EU.


As Loob says, it's incredibly difficult untwining all the problems with financial passporting, and legal audience rights as well. Thats why people are already leaving the City in large numbers for other locations and that trickle and drip of people is already going to have an effect and it's only going to be larger in future.


But we're not talking about financial passporting, or running a business in the EU. The thread is about some extra bureaucracy that may be required when travelling.


I'm sure, as the business leader you are, you've been to countries that required a Visa or similar? Was it the horrifying challenge that seems to be suggested it is in the OP?

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What biased incorrect statements !

We have a real leader(Terrific Theresa) in charge and other intelligent ladies and gentlemen who do their best to serve our country and it's citizens.

We are lucky to have such people.


Are we citizens? I thought we were subjects?

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But we're not talking about financial passporting, or running a business in the EU. The thread is about some extra bureaucracy that may be required when travelling.


I'm sure, as the business leader you are, you've been to countries that required a Visa or similar? Was it the horrifying challenge that seems to be suggested it is in the OP?




1. Get passport.

2. Go to meeting.


None EU


1. Get passport.

2. Get visa paperwork

3. Go to embassy for interview

4. Wait

5. Find out they missed stuff

6. Go back for interview

7. Send off passport

8. Swear as you cannot go to other places whilst they have passport

9. Get it back weeks later

10. Realise it's been four weeks since application.


Really handy for a meeting that may be called with a couple of days notice.


Visas? :loopy:

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you are a citizen subject :)


anyway, i think harvey was being mildly satirical in his posting


It needed to be read in the context of the post I was replying to.

At least you understood.


---------- Post added 10-02-2017 at 12:10 ----------




1. Get passport.

2. Go to meeting.


None EU


1. Get passport.

2. Get visa paperwork

3. Go to embassy for interview

4. Wait

5. Find out they missed stuff

6. Go back for interview

7. Send off passport

8. Swear as you cannot go to other places whilst they have passport

9. Get it back weeks later

10. Realise it's been four weeks since application.


Really handy for a meeting that may be called with a couple of days notice.


Visas? :loopy:


Enough to make one go and live abroad some may think.


---------- Post added 10-02-2017 at 12:12 ----------


Are we citizens? I thought we were subjects?


That would have started a flurry of outrage if I had described us as Subjects.

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1. Get passport.

2. Go to meeting.


None EU


1. Get passport.

2. Get visa paperwork

3. Go to embassy for interview

4. Wait

5. Find out they missed stuff

6. Go back for interview

7. Send off passport

8. Swear as you cannot go to other places whilst they have passport

9. Get it back weeks later

10. Realise it's been four weeks since application.


Really handy for a meeting that may be called with a couple of days notice.


Visas? :loopy:


So that has happened to you then, or are you just making things up?


What embassy do you think you'll need to visit to get a Visa (unlikely there would ever be such a thing) to do business inside the EU?

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