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Back in my day...

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In them days tha gorra reet tannin at school if yer weren't dressed proper. Then tha goranotherun off the old man when yer got oo-m.


See, this were all fields then. An women were propper women, not like today where the dress like fellas. Aye, and a sherry each Christmas before we set off huntin for us teas.


There were whales in Endcliffe Park, bear were still in't pit in't Botanical Gardens. An kids roamin round streets we no shoes on.


Tha dunt know how lucky yer are. And we were happy.

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She wunt go on it pal.


She's got a problem wi er ips. She as to go upstairs backwards like.


Poo er lass.


That cud’v gone up be’ind ’er an’ gid ’er an ’elpin’ ’and, so to speak. Mind you, if tha‘dv went on it thissen, she cud’v watched thee sliding back down to ’er, an’ thowt to hersen, “Tarzan, my hero!” That’d’ve been all it took, an’ tha’ wudn’t’v ’ad ter buy ’er nothin’! Wimmen are funny that way.


Did tha’ tekker intert glass maze in th’owd pleshure drome, by the way? I useter luv Cleethorpes wen I were a kid!

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That cud’v gone up be’ind ’er an’ gid ’er an ’elpin’ ’and, so to speak. Mind you, if tha‘dv went on it thissen, she cud’v watched thee sliding back down to ’er, an’ thowt to hersen, “Tarzan, my hero!” That’d’ve been all it took, an’ tha’ wudn’t’v ’ad ter buy ’er nothin’! Wimmen are funny that way.


Did tha’ tekker intert glass maze in th’owd pleshure drome, by the way? I useter luv Cleethorpes wen I were a kid!


I c*nt leave on her own cuz she wanders off on account of her avvin a problems wi er mind and that.

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I c*nt leave on her own cuz she wanders off on account of her avvin a problems wi er mind and that.


I no nowt abaht medisin but tha’s probubbly drover ’er tutpoynter insannity! Thee and me wanders off a bit an’ all! Its probubbly ketchin. Cud be wun o them compewter virusses.

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It were akchally a compliment me old mucker.


Where I come from, T'Sheffield, we like them uns that look daft cuz good looking folk belong int that thee er London most likely in that thee er Buckingham Palace with that thee er Queen and her kin.

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It were akchally a compliment me old mucker.


Where I come from, T'Sheffield, we like them uns that look daft cuz good looking folk belong int that thee er London most likely in that thee er Buckingham Palace with that thee er Queen and her kin.


Ahv lissened to thee enough. Ah shudder tekken mower notiss o’ wot me muther said wen I were yunger.

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Aye, ar remember towd days, tha ad t gerroff thi arse t turn telly ower


A couple sat in the front room watching the tele about people with altzimers.

Husband says " I do'nt want to be rely on a machine for a lifesupport and get me nourishment from abottle"


His wife got out of the chair walked over turned the tele off and took his beer off him.


That never happened when we had no tele int owden days

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