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Tents on Park Sq Roundabout

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Recap on this, and then tell me what the name for it is..........


'Can you answer the question'

'we're all waiting for you to do so.'

'warpig hasn't answered a single question he was asked.'

'we're still waiting for you to provide an answer.'

Go ahead, don't be shy, answer it.'

'you have continued to avoid doing so etc.'

'you refused to answer for multiple pages.'


Then this from the above author.........


'Why should I tell you ?' 'I don't think the rules of debate mean that I should explain to you.'


What did those doctors staying at Fawlty Towers say ...'There's enough material there for a psychiatric conference !'




And yet I answered him way back in post number 86.:confused:


---------- Post added 23-02-2017 at 14:25 ----------


Looks like Cyclone just got found out and owned on this thread too. Anyway, are the tents still there ? Its a bit windy !


He/she has tripped up over him/her self quite a few times :hihi:

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In post 86 you answered the question "can you answer the question". But lets move on.

Where's your evidence?


---------- Post added 23-02-2017 at 14:32 ----------


Recap on this, and then tell me what the name for it is..........


'Can you answer the question'

'we're all waiting for you to do so.'

'warpig hasn't answered a single question he was asked.'

'we're still waiting for you to provide an answer.'

Go ahead, don't be shy, answer it.'

'you have continued to avoid doing so etc.'

'you refused to answer for multiple pages.'


Then this from the above author.........


'Why should I tell you ?' 'I don't think the rules of debate mean that I should explain to you.'


What did those doctors staying at Fawlty Towers say ...'There's enough material there for a psychiatric conference !'


Could you perhaps use the quote function?

I believe that when I said I don't have to explain, that was that I don't have to offer an explanation for why something is. I can prove that it IS, I can't be expected to explain WHY it is.

Do you see the difference?

I can prove that the sky is blue, but does that mean that I should have to explain WHY it's blue?


---------- Post added 23-02-2017 at 14:32 ----------


Looks like Cyclone just got found out and owned on this thread too. Anyway, are the tents still there ? Its a bit windy !


Not in the slightest.

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I did answer it with a simple 'Yes'. Didn't you see it?

Yes, directly after the question "can you answer the question?"...


So why now must I tell you?

You must 'tell me'?

It's your opinion, don't back it up with evidence if you don't want to.

Everyone can draw their own conclusions from your lack of evidence.



You couldn't even qualify your yourself at the time about why the numbers had increased, so you must have googled it afterwards in the hope you were correct?...


I couldn't explain why the numbers have increased (although I did in the end go and google it for you). Nor did I need to explain WHY they had increased.

The fact is that they have increased, I've provided evidence to show that they have increased.

You're saying they haven't, but you can't (or won't) provide any evidence for your statement.

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In post 86 you answered the question "can you answer the question".


No I didn't, I answered your original question, but you misunderstood it.


---------- Post added 23-02-2017 at 14:39 ----------


You're saying they haven't, but you can't (or won't) provide any evidence for your statement.


Im saying I dispute the figures, and as you have said yourself, I don't need to explain why. You don't even need to know why. But is your so called 'need' to know related to you 'needing' to win all of your own arguments? You come across as a very 'needy' person. Why not become a little more open minded instead? It may even relax you.

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Go ahead and provide some evidence then...


You can obviously dispute factual things, but if you want to be taken seriously you'll have to explain on what basis you're disputing them.

"I'd prefer it if they weren't true" isn't a basis, despite the example that President Trump keeps setting.


---------- Post added 23-02-2017 at 14:53 ----------


No I didn't, I answered your original question, but you misunderstood it.


Well this should be easy to clear up. Let's look


Can you answer the question?


When you quoted that specific question, and gave an answer, were we supposed to guess that you were actually answering a different question?



Anyway, lets summarise.

I've provided evidence that homeless rough sleeping numbers have increased. This evidence comes from government, charity and agencies who work with the homeless.

I even googled for you the reason why.

You 'dispute' this evidence, but can't say why it's wrong, you just think it is.


Is that a fair summary?


To be clear, that's known as making an assertion in debating, you assert that homeless numbers have not increased. To engage in debate like an adult you DO have to justify why you think that. In the same way that I justified why I think they have increased. You don't have to answer any related questions that require you to know more about the subject, such as "why haven't they increased?". Which is what you were demanding I do. I can prove that they have increased, I did. I can't explain why they've increased, nor did I ever claim to be able to do so.

Edited by Cyclone
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To engage in debate like an adult you DO have to justify why you think that. In the same way that I justified why I think they have increased. You don't have to answer any related questions that require you to know more about the subject, such as "why haven't they increased?". Which is what you were demanding I do. I can prove that they have increased, I did. I can't explain why they've increased, nor did I ever claim to be able to do so.


So I 'DO' have to justify what I think, do I? Under what law? Under what legislation? This goes against your earlier reply of..


Why should I tell you? You're not disputing that numbers have increased are you? Beyond that, I don't think the rules of debate mean that I need to explain to you why that is.



So if the rules of debate dont require someone to have to explain, why do you now say that I 'DO' need to explain?


You couldnt justify your claim until you went off to google it. Maybe you could now go off and google my claim for me? Be sure to let me know your results.

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So I 'DO' have to justify what I think, do I? Under what law? Under what legislation? This goes against your earlier reply of..





So if the rules of debate dont require someone to have to explain, why do you now say that I 'DO' need to explain?


You couldnt justify your claim until you went off to google it. Maybe you could now go off and google my claim for me? Be sure to let me know your results.

The results are in, 2-0 to Warpig
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