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Are we all snowflakes?

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One of the toughest generations ever, is quietly passing away into history...


I'm talking about those that lived through the deprivations of the twenties and thirties, fought through the second world war, (and often Korean war as well) and rebuilt the nation in the fifties and sixties. Amazing People, like my lovely Dad, 91 years young.

I'm still learning from him every day. They were a generation who were never given anything on a plate and had to fight for everything they got, then had to watch Thatcher and successive governments (of every hue) tear it down and generally **** things up.


What must this inventive, hard working, conscientious group think of the Snowflake generation, with all their imagined hurts and hyper offendedness. Snowflakes need to find a backbone and start to work at the real problems in the world, there are plenty to go at. And I mean work, not just talk. They could start by trying to improve the small world around them by volunteering to help in the community. There's nothing like seeing the real problems that you can actually do something about, to put things in perspective.

Edited by Anna B
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Very nasty term. We are vulnerable creatures of a single kind so we have a moral duty to be kind to one another.


Unfortunately, many members of the snowflake generation are anything but kind to those with contrary of controversial opinions which challenge conventional wisdoms, as exemplified by the 'no platform' and 'safe space' policies at universities.

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Unfortunately, many members of the snowflake generation are anything but kind to those with contrary of controversial opinions which challenge conventional wisdoms, as exemplified by the 'no platform' and 'safe space' policies at universities.

True. Contrast the great Oxford Union debates of the past- whether or not discussing 'real world' problems or the studentish variety, these produced some student orators who went on to become great politicians.

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