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Should there be a ban on Children heading the ball?

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Why don't we ban everything! Ban, walking because statistically speaking we could get run over by cars, lorries, buses, cows! Ban rugby, that could be dangerous, cricket too... what about banning eating, because we're be told that most things we eat are bad for us... :o:help:


Getting crazy isn't it!


You are getting a bit hysterical now. Calm down ;)

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Says it all, me too still here.




That doesn't 'say it all' no. Nobody is suggesting that children are routinely killed by heading footballs, only that it could cause problems.


Have you got evidence and research that states that no children in the 50s, 60s or 70s received otherwise avoidable head injuries from heading footballs?

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I don't think the above have been medically researched. The impact of such sports is unknown so banning them would be silly :)


Football needs more research, it is that simple.

But I don't think a form of completely banning heading no matter the age is currently necessary.


As said though, it should be for training purposes while young though.

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