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New 20 mph speed limits


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Stupid! No-one and l mean No-one does 20mph in a 20mph zone it is almost impossible not to creep above 20 in a normal car under normal conditions. Someone will get knocked over by someone paying more attention to their speedometer than the road. Stupid Stupid Stupid!


Er, I do. Maybe you're just a crap driver.


The problem with motorists is the attitude that its alright to break the speed limit because, -


Its me,

I don't agree with the limit posted here,

It's Ok because I drive a better engineered, better maintained, safer car,

I'm allowed some margin for error,

Everybody does it,

I think I can get away with it,

Its a race and I have to win,

I can't stand to be overtaken by anybody else because it makes me feel inferior.


Face it, you can't stick to the limit because you're a crap driver.

Edited by Fogey
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Were you actually prosecuted/sent on a speed awareness course for 34?

I thought the normal ACPO recommended threshold of prosecution began at 10% + 2mph,

i.e. from 35 upwards.



Speed awareness course..the instructor did explain to us, that 30mph means exactly that.. not 30ish.

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Speed awareness course..the instructor did explain to us, that 30mph means exactly that.. not 30ish.


Fully understand that comment, and I don't claim any moral high ground having had points in the past.

Whilst I'm not doubting your word at all, do you still have a copy or the original NIP showing 34?

The reason I ask, is that a well respected internet group (Pepipoo) claims never to have seen a NIP for less than 35 in a 30.

A copy of your NIP, suitably redacted of personal information, would help to inform them, so any advice they offer is more accurate.

It is a responsible, well moderated group, with many posters being legal professionals, including serving and retired police officers and even a couple of speed camera operators.

Edited by peak4
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Fully understand that comment, and I don't claim any moral high ground having had points in the past.

Whilst I'm not doubting your word at all, do you still have a copy or the original NIP showing 34?

The reason I ask, is that a well respected internet group (Pepipoo) claims never to have seen a NIP for less than 35 in a 30.

A copy or your NIP, suitably redacted of personal information, would help to inform them, so any advice they offer is more accurate.

It is a responsible, well moderated group, with many posters being legal professionals, including serving and retired police officers and even a couple of speed camera operators.


Your probably right peaky. quite a few posters have said the same thing. Iv"e done enough ranting and raving though so I"ll let it drop....

I"ve served my punishment GRR.:hihi:

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  • 1 month later...
Were you actually prosecuted/sent on a speed awareness course for 34?

I thought the normal ACPO recommended threshold of prosecution began at 10% + 2mph,

i.e. from 35 upwards.


That’s what I’ve heard too, but (highlighted in bold) it is only a recommendation, and not law.


Technically, if you're caught driving at 31mph in a 30 zone, you’re breaking the limit.

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Well apparently from a road safety perspective they don't appear to be working elsewhere.





Now that's pretty interesting isn't it. And matches up with what a lot of people thought about spending more time concentrating on speed than looking where we're going.

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before you get too excited that report was debunked back in May.


Its since been raised in the local press, then the nationals got hold of it without checking the dodgy use of stats behind it all.


Keep in mind when dealing with very small numbers incidents like the 4 people killed by the Bath tipper crash (corporate manslaughter) can sway the stats.






In April 2017 the new council administration in Bath and North East Somerset (that had opposed 20mph limits when in opposition) produced an analysis of results of speeds and casualties after implementing 20mph limits. The data in the report showed that:-


Crashes in the 20mph limits had reduced by 28% in Bath.


Casualties in the 20mph limits had reduced by 23% in Bath.


The number roads with average speeds at or above 24mph had reduced by 43% when 20mph was implemented.


The number of roads with average speeds at or above 26mph had reduced by 78% when 20mph was implemented.


Now you may feel that these would have been worth mentioning as a finding in the report but they were excluded. Instead the report found that by looking at areas in detail they could compare the number of areas where casualties and crashes had increased or decreased without weighting or taking any note of the significance of a number. And from this they concluded that more areas had increased casualties than reduced them. This is completely bogus statistically

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Sorry but that is just rubbish, i drive through a 20mph zone everyday which is down a very steep hill where even using second gear (with no throttle use)to keep the speed down won't keep you under 20mph, do i struggle...No i don't.

If you are struggling to keep under 20mph while using the throttle it is because you are in the wrong gear, try changing down one, you will find it much easier.




Try staying in second gear for 20mph then? Honestly it's really not very hard.


Tell you what... Why don't we all just get out and walk!!!!

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