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Do people feel the need to justify their own existence?

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The fact is that all existence is purely within yourself.


When you cease to exist, all existence ends.


It cannot be disproven.

So? Alternative view: existence is independent of oneself. You're born, you die, and yet life goes on for everyone else.


Cf Monty Python: "(You know, you come from nothing - you're going back to nothing. What have you lost? Nothing!)"

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Do people feel the need to justify their own existence?


Well I think that all depends who you are. Certainly if you're old you begin to feel that you have to justify your existence, and that's getting worse with all the pensioner bashing that's going on right now. And I think there must be other groups who feel it, like the unemployed and the disabled, possibly some immigrants, etc.


Basically, I think if you've been persecuted, villified, blamed, bullied or picked on, you're going to feel it to some extent. I think you need a pretty thick skin to survive these days

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