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Paul Nuttall UKIP Leader - Billy Liar

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This guy is the best laugh I've had in ages. I bet he gets elected and we can continue to hear his tales of when he stopped a martian invasion singlehandedly


I also think he will get elected.

It seems the barmier someone is these days the more dim wits trust them.


Johnson, Farage, Nuttall, and the lord of them all Trump, all totally unfit for any job apart from being a buffoon, but all loved by the great unwashed.

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I also think he will get elected.

It seems the barmier someone is these days the more dim wits trust them.


Johnson, Farage, Nuttall, and the lord of them all Trump, all totally unfit for any job apart from being a buffoon, but all loved by the great unwashed.


Not the great unwashed, you've got the wrong insult there...I think you meant 'all loved by the people who want to blame others for their problems'

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I have heard it on the grapevine that this Nuttall character eats babies, bet Farrage does the same.




He claimed to eat babies but has since retracted it saying a research assistant posted it on his website by mistake. And if you're a UKIP voter you really should know how to spell Farage.

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• Guns don't kill people. Paul Nuttall kills people.

• Paul Nuttall played Russian Roulette with a fully loaded gun and won.

• Paul Nuttall is the only person who can simultaneously hold and fire FIVE Uzis: One in each hand, one in each foot – and the 5th one he roundhouse-kicks into the air, so that it sprays bullets.

• James Bond uses a silencer, Paul Nuttall uses a loudener

• The meteor that killed the dinosaur was actually a bullet from Paul Nuttall.

• Guns take shooting lessons from Paul Nuttall.

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How incongruous it would be for him to enter Parliament, that temple of truth and moral probity, where terminological inexactitudes, self-serving statements of questionable accuracy and outright falsehoods and have never been uttered.


Okay, some MPs and government ministers have lied in the past, and will in the future.... But in fairness, UKIP, and Paul Nuttall in particular have attacked Labour especially on a very personal basis. That Labour are the self serving metropolitan elite; they are the establishment, they are namby pamby, middle class hand wringing do-gooders.

According to Nuttall, UKIP are the real deal. They are now the voice of the working class. How ironic therefore that the public image of Nuttall as the authentic voice of the working class should be so quickly revealed as a sham.

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