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Paul Nuttall UKIP Leader - Billy Liar

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UKIP members seem to be as charmless as Nuttall. One is caught urinating on a fence and trying to force his way into a pensioner's house while out leafletting for Nuttall.




The Labour candidate in Stoke is not overflowing with charm either.

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I don't think he's urinated on anyone's fence in broad daylight or forced senior members of his own party to quit because of his lies about the most sensitive issue in Liverpool for decades.


Had the Labour candidate in Stoke been leader of his party, I would expect that there might well have been resignations, particularly from the female party members. This candidate will probably win Stoke (he is odds on with the bookies) but in some respects I would say that he is of an even lower calibre than Nuttall.

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Had the Labour candidate in Stoke been leader of his party, I would expect that there might well have been resignations, particularly from the female party members. This candidate will probably win Stoke (he is odds on with the bookies) but in some respects I would say that he is of an even lower calibre than Nuttall.


So the way you support Nuttall's lies is to tell a few more. There's UKIP for you.


If you want to defend UKIP you'd be better off not supporting a leader who has become a national joke. If Nuttall loses Stoke both he and UKIP are finished because he has set everything on winning the white working class from Labour. If he fails to win Stoke because of his own personal incompetence it's bye bye Nuttall.


You ought to think about that instead of telling even more lies.

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So the way you support Nuttall's lies is to tell a few more. There's UKIP for you.


If you want to defend UKIP you'd be better off not supporting a leader who has become a national joke. If Nuttall loses Stoke both he and UKIP are finished because he has set everything on winning the white working class from Labour. If he fails to win Stoke because of his own personal incompetence it's bye bye Nuttall.


You ought to think about that instead of telling even more lies.


I am neither defending Nuttall nor UKIP. Could you care to inform me what 'lies' I have told? I am pointing out to the gloatfesters on this thread that there are many other politicians who have told lies for political or financial gain - for example, MPs who 'flipped' their second homes during the expenses scandal years in order to claim huge amounts in mortgage relief and to avoid CGT. Or those who told us lies about WMDs (did all of the MPs actually believe the official narrative?).

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I am neither defending Nuttall nor UKIP. Could you care to inform me what 'lies' I have told?


You said that the Labour candidate is of an even lower calibre that Nuttall. He'd have to be a paedophile to manage that but you offered no evidence. You're only interested in defending the indefensible by saying that others are even more indefensible. It won't wash but if you'd care to wash that pensioner's back fence that would be nice of you.

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Had the Labour candidate in Stoke been leader of his party, I would expect that there might well have been resignations, particularly from the female party members. This candidate will probably win Stoke (he is odds on with the bookies) but in some respects I would say that he is of an even lower calibre than Nuttall.


So the answer you have is to make up a story of what might have been if things had been different.

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How incongruous it would be for him to enter Parliament, that temple of truth and moral probity, where terminological inexactitudes, self-serving statements of questionable accuracy and outright falsehoods and have never been uttered.


But the point that UKIP keep trying to make is that they are different, that they represent a change from the status quo. Now you, an apparent supporter, are telling us that they are just the same as everyone else. That does appear to be true. Which makes voting for them pointless.

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