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Blair wants us to 'rise up against Brexit.'

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Multi-millionaire Tony Blair wants us all to 'rise up against Brexit.'


Can I suggest we all rise up against lying, war-mongering, self-serving politicians who have not served the best interests of the British people for years, like him.


Yes, I heard this too and after recalling how he ignored literally millions of protesters BEFORE the iraq war started my irony metre exploded. And all thats after he came out and said he would not be dictated to by hte public when it came down to fuel tax during the fuel strike of 2000 (ish). This man listened to Bush, God and no doubt shadowy backers behind the scenes. He didnt listen to many others because the opposition was weak and in disaray. How times change.

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I don`t care who knows it, I was, and am, a Blair fan. If he thinks there should be some kind of campaign about this Brexit farce, instead of just rolling over and accepting all the **** the Brexiteers are throwing at us, I`m all for it. I don`t think it`ll get anywhere, but he deserves kudos for trying.


War monger ? Getting rid of one of the most evil dictators of the last 100 years. I remember Farzad Bazoft...... I agree that what happened afterwards was unfortunate to put it mildly, but that`s a different story. If that hadn`r happened how many people would be accusing him of warmongering ? Only some Tories (and,those paragons of honesty and consistency, UKIP) I reckon.


---------- Post added 17-02-2017 at 18:54 ----------


Multi-millionaire Tony Blair wants us all to 'rise up against Brexit.'


Can I suggest we all rise up against lying, war-mongering, self-serving politicians who have not served the best interests of the British people for years, like him.


Lying ? ! ? ! ?

That really is the Brexiteers pot calling the kettle black, 350 million times a month in fact. It`s so funny I feel like laughing.

There really is no limit to the Brexiteers hypocrisy

Edited by Justin Smith
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I don`t care who knows it, I was, and am, a Blair fan. If he thinks there should be some kind of campaign about this Brexit farce, instead of just rolling over and accepting all the **** the Brexiteers are throwing at us, I`m all for it. I don`t think it`ll get anywhere, but he deserves kudos for trying.


Thats like saying because Saddam Hussain built a few roads and opened a few hospitals he wasnt a tyrant. Blair is lying sack of excrement who will be judged harshly by history. Dont get me wrong the remain side need a strong voice but it shouldnt be blair - Id rather Nick Clegg put his hand up.

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I don`t care who knows it, I was, and am, a Blair fan. If he thinks there should be some kind of campaign about this Brexit farce, instead of just rolling over and accepting all the **** the Brexiteers are throwing at us, I`m all for it. I don`t think it`ll get anywhere, but he deserves kudos for trying.


---------- Post added 17-02-2017 at 18:54 ----------



Lying ? ! ? ! ?

That really is the Brexit pot calling the kettle black, 350 million times a month in fact. That`s so funny I feel like laughing.

There really is no limit to the Brexiteers hipocrisy

Who told you it was 350 million times a month? Would that be your nephew or your cousin. I don't think you should be accusing anybody about making stories up. I feel like laughing at the remoaners hypocracy.

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Thats like saying because Saddam Hussain built a few roads and opened a few hospitals he wasnt a tyrant. Blair is lying sack of excrement who will be judged harshly by history. Dont get me wrong the remain side need a strong voice but it shouldnt be blair - Id rather Nick Clegg put his hand up.


And Cameron turned out to be just as untrustworthy.


Should we elect someone like Trump, in rebellion, or should we try our best to pick the best of a bad lot?

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Thats like saying because Saddam Hussain built a few roads and opened a few hospitals he wasnt a tyrant. Blair is lying sack of excrement who will be judged harshly by history. Dont get me wrong the remain side need a strong voice but it shouldnt be blair - Id rather Nick Clegg put his hand up.


Oh come on. Thats being unfair to sacks of excrement. Blair is much worse than Trump. Who is a sack etc

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