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Blair wants us to 'rise up against Brexit.'

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I just worked it out, the percentage, in an idle moment.

It is rather telling in my opinion.

The status quo is that we are members of the EU, no matter what the Nigel Trump supporters shout.

This will be the case until the traitors remove us.

Do you people honestly think that those who did not vote had no opinion?

Of course they did, but they were led to believe it would be a walk over for Remain, so did not turn out.


To be honest, the fools who were running about dressed as Morris Dancers and John Bull etc, touting for the leave vote made the whole thing look like a farce and were and are a disgrace to the name Englishman, as are the majority of brexiters.


I don't really care what Tony Blair does at all, but he is the only politician to say something against this roll over and die attitude prevailing at present.


Come on now, let's get behind our politicians and negotiators to use this opportunity to make the Great in Great Britain even Greater.

The vote is in the past and as folks used to say it is all water under the bridge.

I would urge you(as I did once before) to start the day with a rousing chorus of Our National Anthem whilst waving Our flag.

We are positive people and must not be misled by doubters and pessimists.

We are all in this together.

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We seem to do this a lot.

I want to talk about principle and you want to talk about law.

Trouble is that sometimes we're both right. Unless what I say parliament should do in principle is contrary to law, I'm not terribly interesting in debating what else they legally can do. I'm content to assume (when I don't just flat out agree) that you're right on these legalities.


I'm quite happy to forcefully criticise our MPs, acting legally or not, on matters of principle. Surely you cannot object to this?

Of course not, and I never would dare: that's opinion territory and I have never denied anyone their right to hold one. Of late (past few months), least of all you, as I hope you know ;)


But where we butt heads, is in my preference for pragmatism (because law says, and people follow due process) over idealism (principles are, so morally people should do...but still follow due process): that's how and why we fall out when I keep to "what else people can legally do" instead of buying into "what people should do in principle".


IMHO of course :)


Looking at the thread topic specifically, Blair is not asking for civic disobedience, riots and other illegal acts routinely connoted by 'rising up'. This ain't Tiananmen territory. He's basically asking for a collective exercise in conscience taking, then demonstrations, angry letter writing to MPs, votes <etc.>


Denying anyone who is aggrieved by the form which the government has chosen for Brexit (which would be without Parliamentary oversight but for Gina Miller and others) their right to voice and manifest their discontent and oppose that course of action through legal means, is so wholly undemocratic, as to be dictatorial.


Because the logical extension of that train of thought, is that nothing which the government decides to do, should be opposed: the government got the majority of votes embodied by the most MPs, so why bother with an opposition and Commons during a GE term? After all, the government is "the will of the people", right?

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Come on now, let's get behind our politicians and negotiators to use this opportunity to make the Great in Great Britain even Greater.

The vote is in the past and as folks used to say it is all water under the bridge.

I would urge you(as I did once before) to start the day with a rousing chorus of Our National Anthem whilst waving Our flag.

We are positive people and must not be misled by doubters and pessimists.

We are all in this together.


Yes, I will do that in the morning.

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I just worked it out, the percentage, in an idle moment.

It is rather telling in my opinion.

The status quo is that we are members of the EU, no matter what the Nigel Trump supporters shout.

This will be the case until the traitors remove us.

Do you people honestly think that those who did not vote had no opinion?

Of course they did, but they were led to believe it would be a walk over for Remain, so did not turn out.


To be honest, the fools who were running about dressed as Morris Dancers and John Bull etc, touting for the leave vote made the whole thing look like a farce and were and are a disgrace to the name Englishman, as are the majority of brexiters.


I don't really care what Tony Blair does at all, but he is the only politician to say something against this roll over and die attitude prevailing at present.


I like the way Jeremy Corbyn politely told him to get stuffed and go away in not so many words this week.Made me chuckle when i read it.

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I like the way Jeremy Corbyn politely told him to get stuffed and go away in not so many words this week.Made me chuckle when i read it.


Since Corbyn and May morphed into one entity I pay no attention to either of the lying hypocrites.

Until we get some leadership this country will stagger along on its knees.


They are a disgrace.

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Since Corbyn and May morphed into one entity I pay no attention to either of the lying hypocrites.

Until we get some leadership this country will stagger along on its knees.


They are a disgrace.


I cannot see anybody putting a Blair/Brown style government in charge again for some time i am afraid.It had its time but people are wanting right and left politics at the moment it seems.

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I cannot see anybody putting a Blair/Brown style government in charge again for some time i am afraid.It had its time but people are wanting right and left politics at the moment it seems.

Yes, but the Left aren't going to be electing Labour MPs in sufficient numbers to form any Government in the foreseeable future.

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Justin Smith wrote :


Not really, "the people" were given a simple binary question which, particularly since the referendum, is now being shown to be far too simplistic. Particularly when Brexiteers make arrogant and unsubstantiated assumptions about what the vote exactly meant.


They're not unsubstantiated and they're not assumptions.

Both campaigns were very clear about this.


You would say that wouldn't you. I don`t agree with you, and neither do many other people. The thing is, what you`re saying on this question and all others about the EU, comes from someone who thinks that the Europe was always a big issue for most people, even though I`ve provided the evidence to disabuse you of that. What is it they say ? There are none so blind ?


---------- Post added 22-02-2017 at 10:01 ----------


We've been through this so many times.

There was a serous deregulation earlier but it is irrelevant.


The banks were not permitted to be so leveraged that they would become insolvent the moment house prices fell until Brown and his FSA threw the rule book out the window.

This is an empirical fact which you can easily verify.

It was done to perpetuate a growth bubble and thereby sustain the preposterous illusion that Labour had brought "an end to boom and bust".


Some bad things that have happened can be blamed on mistakes by the Conservatives and some on Labour. This one is Labours. Sorry.


If you`re trying to blame the 2008 recession on Labour, that would imply that the UK was the only country to suffer economic woes. You know full well that is very far from the truth, so, I think you`re being misleading, at best. If you want to blame that little economic fiasco on anyone it`d be the Americans and their "sub prime" mortgages leading to Lehman`s going bust and all that followed on from that. Incidentally, "America sneezes and the world catches a cold" is particularly apposite now that we`re leaving the EU just as a protectionist nationalist has become US president. As I`ve said before, if that doesn`t make everyone, including arch Brexiteers worried, it shows they`re not thinking very hard.....

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Yes, but the Left aren't going to be electing Labour MPs in sufficient numbers to form any Government in the foreseeable future.


Something must be done to stop this bunch of incompetents then.

If your prediction come true, and we have no opposition, how do we stop this downward spiral that the Tories are hell bent on taking us down?

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