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Blair wants us to 'rise up against Brexit.'

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This is true.

The right wing accept any sort of rag tags they can get.


To be a socialist, you do need to be a cut above the common herd.


Oh no !

Just had an horrible thought that you may be singing the Socialist Anthem instead of our National Anthem on a morning.

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Oh no !

Just had an horrible thought that you may be singing the Socialist Anthem instead of our National Anthem on a morning.


I sing the Brexiteers Anthem, as specified by their leader Nige :-


'Oh say can you see, by the dawns early light,....'


And there is something about Spangles, but i don't think they sell them anymore.

But Nige might reintroduce them when his pal Don comes to take over from Tess later on this year. (the lass is doing her best, but it needs a man like big Don to really do things)

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The Remoaners and their political friends have had years to convince the British public what was so good about being in the EU and failed to do so.

I assume the Remoaners were so happy and contented with their 'I'm 'alright Jack', everything's going to be fine attitude, that the reality of Brexit is going to hurt them more than those that they forgot to, or couldn't convince !


I actually have no problem with EU nationals being here or anyone else who comes to work, but people like Tony Blair and his 'intolerant' breed of Middle Class socialists are really something else :D


Sadly for you this is quite demonstrably false. The vast majority of 'remoaners' are well educated, in skilled non-manual roles, enjoying above average salaries. In fact we are the people that will likely do very well financially out of Brexit. It's the ones who voted for it who are the ones on minimum wage, manual jobs that are likely to see a direct lowering of their income and standards of living.


The point is that us 'remoaners' are capable of seeing beyond our own noses and therefore would have been happy to continue being a member of EU as we felt it helped out others more than ourselves seeing as we are indeed 'alright Jack'. Whether Brexit will make things better will have to be seen won't it, but to try to accuse us of somehow wanting to poo on others is quite offensive. And yeah, I can indeed afford to be a socialist. :hihi:

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No, the press regularly reports about the matter.


The press are not reporting anything other than comment, conjecture and speculation. It is regularly contradicted by differing MP's. There is NO official comment from no.10 and for this reason we are being kept in the dark.


Peoples lives are not a play thing. They are not a bargaining chip. They have the right to know how to plan their future.

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The press are not reporting anything other than comment, conjecture and speculation. It is regularly contradicted by differing MP's. There is NO official comment from no.10 and for this reason we are being kept in the dark.


Peoples lives are not a play thing. They are not a bargaining chip. They have the right to know how to plan their future.


They have told you all they are going to tell you until the matter is concluded in negotiations.

Am afraid you are bargaining chips because he majority of UK citizens matter more.

I dount either side will act prejudicially against citizens who are already established in a country. You arent going to hear any more until negotiations are concluded.

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They have told you all they are going to tell you until the matter is concluded in negotiations.

Am afraid you are bargaining chips because he majority of UK citizens matter more.

I dount either side will act prejudicially against citizens who are already established in a country. You arent going to hear any more until negotiations are concluded.


But thats my point. Its not as though EU citizens status in the UK is somehow pivotal to the rest of the UK's negotiations. They can be looked at completely separately and the UK can easily say what they want to happen. But they are not, preferring to leave a vacuum.


It appears the UK government want to create a situation where many EU nations feel there is less stability in their outlook and volunteer to leave. But those that can leave easily are the highly skilled in sort after jobs, not the manual, unskilled laborer. The latter will stay in the UK for as long as they can and many will just become illegal immigrants creating an even bigger problem.

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The Remoaners and their political friends have had years to convince the British public what was so good about being in the EU and failed to do so.

I assume the Remoaners were so happy and contented with their 'I'm 'alright Jack', everything's going to be fine attitude, that the reality of Brexit is going to hurt them more than those that they forgot to, or couldn't convince !


I actually have no problem with EU nationals being here or anyone else who comes to work, but people like Tony Blair and his 'intolerant' breed of Middle Class socialists are really something else :D


Actually you`ve got two things wrong :


1 As recently as April 2015 the great majority of people in this country weren`t that interested in Europe, only 15% put it in their top three of concerns before the last election. Don`t get me wrong, there were a minority to whom the EU was the major political issue, but they were very much a minority. It`s a combination of Cameron`s ineptitude and a very effective (though thoroughly dishonest) Leave campaign that got the result they wanted and all the ramifications that have followed.


2 The people who`ll get hurt the most from leaving the EU will be those at the bottom of the economic pecking order, inflation will get them if nothing else does. Ironically it was them who swung the referendum.


---------- Post added 24-02-2017 at 13:44 ----------


Oh no !

Just had an horrible thought that you may be singing the Socialist Anthem instead of our National Anthem on a morning.


I shan`t be singing any national anthem again, I can assure you. Not that I was that into it before I lost my patriotism because it`s a dirge tune and the words are all about the Queen not about the country.

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Actually you`ve got two things wrong :


1 As recently as April 2015 the great majority of people in this country weren`t that interested in Europe, only 15% put it in their top three of concerns before the last election. Don`t get me wrong, there were a minority to whom the EU was the major political issue, but they were very much a minority. It`s a combination of Cameron`s ineptitude and a very effective (though thoroughly dishonest) Leave campaign that got the result they wanted and all the ramifications that have followed.


2 The people who`ll get hurt the most from leaving the EU will be those at the bottom of the economic pecking order, inflation will get them if nothing else does. Ironically it was them who swung the referendum.


---------- Post added 24-02-2017 at 13:44 ----------



I shan`t be singing any national anthem again, I can assure you. Not that I was that into it before I lost my patriotism because it`s a dirge tune and the words are all about the Queen not about the country.


Something has got mixed up.

My post was in reply to Jacktari and not you.

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Sadly for you this is quite demonstrably false. The vast majority of 'remoaners' are well educated, in skilled non-manual roles, enjoying above average salaries. In fact we are the people that will likely do very well financially out of Brexit. It's the ones who voted for it who are the ones on minimum wage, manual jobs that are likely to see a direct lowering of their income and standards of living.


The point is that us 'remoaners' are capable of seeing beyond our own noses and therefore would have been happy to continue being a member of EU as we felt it helped out others more than ourselves seeing as we are indeed 'alright Jack'. Whether Brexit will make things better will have to be seen won't it, but to try to accuse us of somehow wanting to poo on others is quite offensive. And yeah, I can indeed afford to be a socialist. :hihi:


Oh so now the 'middle aged working class white British male' is on minimum wage .... laughable, most can afford to go to the pub, go to the football, take the wife, the kids and the grandkids for a fortnight in the sun and still have a bit left for a flutter and a curry, carry on believing your overhyped tripe, we are happy 'your lot' are not, as for being 'quite offensive' .... dish it out get it back, most 'working class' people I know have enough backbone to get through whatever Brexit brings and keep smiling, happy days :D

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