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Blair wants us to 'rise up against Brexit.'

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The press are not reporting anything other than comment, conjecture and speculation.It is regularly contradicted by differing MP's. There is NO official comment from no.10 and for this reason we are being kept in the dark.
The press reports statements

The uncertain status of EU nationals living in the UK is “one of our main cards” in the Brexit negotiations with the bloc, Liam Fox has said
whenever they are being released, by ministers, MPs and Lords alike.


The last in date where May's comments when Tory MPs started putting her back against the wall over it.

Peoples lives are not a play thing. They are not a bargaining chip. They have the right to know how to plan their future.
I don't disagree with you at all, Berberis.


Particularly as I'm directly concerned by the matter, just like your partner.


By all means, have it in for May & her 3 Brexiteers about the issue, as I and 3m others do.


But it's wrong to claim that the media don't cover the issue: the lack of decision at No.10 about the issue, and the lack of firm declarations one way or the other (and I mean that in opposition to issue-dodging declarations, like those of May which I linked above) is not down to the media.


After that, you and your partner are masters of your own lives. If you dislike the uncertainty brought about by Brexit and May's mutism since, take the initiative to bring certainty back in your lives if you need to, either by applying for a residency card, or by considering expatriation.

Edited by L00b
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Actually you`ve got two things wrong :


1 As recently as April 2015 the great majority of people in this country weren`t that interested in Europe, only 15% put it in their top three of concerns before the last election. Don`t get me wrong, there were a minority to whom the EU was the major political issue, but they were very much a minority. It`s a combination of Cameron`s ineptitude and a very effective (though thoroughly dishonest) Leave campaign that got the result they wanted and all the ramifications that have followed.


2 The people who`ll get hurt the most from leaving the EU will be those at the bottom of the economic pecking order, inflation will get them if nothing else does. Ironically it was them who swung the referendum.


---------- Post added 24-02-2017 at 13:44 ----------



I shan`t be singing any national anthem again, I can assure you. Not that I was that into it before I lost my patriotism because it`s a dirge tune and the words are all about the Queen not about the country.


I'm not sure that the 15% figure regarding people being concerned about the EU is really that relevant. One of the areas that concerned people most (according to the polls) was immigration, and had been for many years. This in many people's minds is directly tied to EU membership.


That would have fuelled a lot of the leave vote.

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Actually you`ve got two things wrong :


1 As recently as April 2015 the great majority of people in this country weren`t that interested in Europe, only 15% put it in their top three of concerns before the last election. Don`t get me wrong, there were a minority to whom the EU was the major political issue, but they were very much a minority. It`s a combination of Cameron`s ineptitude and a very effective (though thoroughly dishonest) Leave campaign that got the result they wanted and all the ramifications that have followed.


2 The people who`ll get hurt the most from leaving the EU will be those at the bottom of the economic pecking order, inflation will get them if nothing else does. Ironically it was them who swung the referendum.


---------- Post added 24-02-2017 at 13:44 ----------



I shan`t be singing any national anthem again, I can assure you. Not that I was that into it before I lost my patriotism because it`s a dirge tune and the words are all about the Queen not about the country.


Sorry Justin, your spouting the same old rhetoric I would expect from a spoilt kid brought up in a spoilt generation, you don't care about those at the bottom anyway, you care about yourself !

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I'm not sure that the 15% figure regarding people being concerned about the EU is really that relevant. One of the areas that concerned people most (according to the polls) was immigration, and had been for many years. This in many people's minds is directly tied to EU membership.


That would have fuelled a lot of the leave vote.

And then, we'll conveniently forget that (fully controllable) non-EU immigration (under Teresa may's full remit for 6 years before she became PM) overtook (fairly controllable, but for No.10' choices) EU immigration long before the referendum? ;)
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Oh so now the 'middle aged working class white British male' is on minimum wage .... laughable, most can afford to go to the pub, go to the football, take the wife, the kids and the grandkids for a fortnight in the sun and still have a bit left for a flutter and a curry, carry on believing your overhyped tripe, we are happy 'your lot' are not, as for being 'quite offensive' .... dish it out get it back, most 'working class' people I know have enough backbone to get through whatever Brexit brings and keep smiling, happy days :D


So you missed the bit where I said Brexit will make me financially better off did you? Bless, but thanks for your concern, it really shows that the Brexiters really did vote for others. :roll:


Rare I'd say this but I do so hope you get royally screwed by Brexit as I will enjoy watching your complaints on here about life is still as crap for you in 3 years time as clearly is now. I'm sure you reciprocate.


---------- Post added 24-02-2017 at 14:05 ----------


Sorry Justin, your spouting the same old rhetoric I would expect from a spoilt kid brought up in a spoilt generation, you don't care about those at the bottom anyway, you care about yourself !


You clearly have no idea who Justin is which makes your comment even more laughable.

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I don't disagree with you at all, Berberis.


Don't worry, I didn't think you did :)


The press are covering the question, pretty vividly to be honest, but they like the rest of us are only privy to the information that is coming out and for this reason, there is confusion and speculation, which is damaging.

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So you missed the bit where I said Brexit will make me financially better off did you? Bless, but thanks for your concern, it really shows that the Brexiters really did vote for others. :roll:


Rare I'd say this but I do so hope you get royally screwed by Brexit as I will enjoy watching your complaints on here about life is still as crap for you in 3 years time as clearly is now. I'm sure you reciprocate.


Did I miss it ?

Maybe I just don't care !

Whose life is crap, your the one moaning about Brexit on here, with the doom and gloom merchants :huh:

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You are welcome to join me for a beer anytime and we can compare life notes. I'll even buy.


I might take you up on that offer one day, though I will buy you one back, you would be surprised if you met me how much of a nice tolerant 'almost educated' gentleman I am ;)

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I might take you up on that offer one day, though I will buy you one back, you would be surprised if you met me how much of a nice tolerant 'almost educated' gentleman I am ;)


I probably would! I think anonymity allows us to be almost caricatures online. You'd be surprised that I'm quite belligerent in real-life too! :hihi:


Apology is overdue. We should be able to disagree without it getting nasty and personal and it did and that was totally my fault. It's not acceptable to be like that in real life so it's not acceptable here.

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