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Blair wants us to 'rise up against Brexit.'

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I probably would! I think anonymity allows us to be almost caricatures online. You'd be surprised that I'm quite belligerent in real-life too! :hihi:


Apology is overdue. We should be able to disagree without it getting nasty and personal and it did and that was totally my fault. It's not acceptable to be like that in real life so it's not acceptable here.


There is really no need to apologise, we all try and score points on here at times and it can get a bit fraught, but I genuinely have no ill feeling to anyone on here, we just have different political views, though perhaps not as far apart as we portray ourselves on here at times. I'm sorry for my comments too BTW !

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I'm not sure that the 15% figure regarding people being concerned about the EU is really that relevant. One of the areas that concerned people most (according to the polls) was immigration, and had been for many years. This in many people's minds is directly tied to EU membership.


That would have fuelled a lot of the leave vote.


You are correct, however two points arise :


1 - Brxiteers are constantly telling us "it wasn`t about immigration", as they flail about trying to ascribe higher motives to the Leave voters.


2 - Most immigration doesn`t even come from the EU, and that which does is usually White Christian, the type which doesn`t seem to upset those worried about immigration.


As to whether the 15% figure is relevant again you have a point, because it`s as good as done and dusted now, sadly. But it does at least prove that, prior all this dishonest (and base) stuff getting whipped up in the referendum campaign, there was no groundswell of support for leaving the EU. Anyone who says there was, is quite simply delusional.

Edited by Justin Smith
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Multi-millionaire Tony Blair wants us all to 'rise up against Brexit.'


Can I suggest we all rise up against lying, war-mongering, self-serving politicians who have not served the best interests of the British people for years, like him.


This from the person who said in his election manifesto in 1983:-

"We will negotiate a withdrawal from the Eeu which has drained our natural resources and destroyed jobs"

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This from the person who said in his election manifesto in 1983:-

"We will negotiate a withdrawal from the Eeu which has drained our natural resources and destroyed jobs"


Yes, a proper negotiated withdrawal, giving everyone a say and proper involved and detailed plans laid out.

That is the way it should be done.


Not a silly yes or no 'referendum', and stupid hole in the wall 'plans' that no body knows what they are.

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Oh deary deary me. Townie Bliar who would NEVER tell porkies, Baron Mandelson of Foy in the county of Herefordshire and Hartlepool in the county of Durham, Lord President of the Council, First Secretary of State, and Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills (who lost his position twice) Tarzan Hessaltine who stabbed a certain Politician in the back and now the clown SIR J Major (close friend of Edwina pork Curry) are all telling us we voted the wrong way over the EU referendum. I would imagine that they will have turned more moaning Remoaners into Brexiteers with their bile. A help they are not.


Democracy, don't you just love it.



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Oh deary deary me. Townie Bliar who would NEVER tell porkies, Baron Mandelson of Foy in the county of Herefordshire and Hartlepool in the county of Durham, Lord President of the Council, First Secretary of State, and Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills (who lost his position twice) Tarzan Hessaltine who stabbed a certain Politician in the back and now the clown SIR J Major (close friend of Edwina pork Curry) are all telling us we voted the wrong way over the EU referendum. I would imagine that they will have turned more moaning Remoaners into Brexiteers with their bile. A help they are not.


Democracy, don't you just love it.




If people voted to have themselves executed by thinking they were voting for extra chocolate at Easter would you agree they made a massive mistake?

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