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Blair wants us to 'rise up against Brexit.'

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And Cameron turned out to be just as untrustworthy.


Should we elect someone like Trump, in rebellion, or should we try our best to pick the best of a bad lot?


What did Cameron do that made more untrustworthy than Blair? Blair lied. A lot. Cameron shot the country in the head with brexit, organised austerity and various other things besides. But out and out lies? He can't hold a candle to Blair.

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Multi-millionaire Tony Blair wants us all to 'rise up against Brexit.'


Can I suggest we all rise up against lying, war-mongering, self-serving politicians who have not served the best interests of the British people for years, like him.

Typical Tony 'I'm a regular sort of guy' Blair. Why didn't he come out with this before the referendum, then we could have had a landslide for leaving.

This is the bloke who sowed the seeds of tens of thousands being killed in the Middle East, WMDs were invented to justify his actions and the harvest is still being reaped in the ongoing conflicts.

Theresa May must think it's Christmas again after this intervention, because one things for sure, the current Labour membership hate him more than they ever did the Tories.

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Hold on, all he is doing is trying to raise a popular movement against government policy.

Perfectly democratic to do that - or are you suggesting that democracy shouldn't be allowed?


It should be. But surely someone who ran a "matey", untransparent government and ignored the sort of uprisings he's trying to organise shouldn't be going for the job.

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Hold on, all he is doing is trying to raise a popular movement against government policy.

Perfectly democratic to do that - or are you suggesting that democracy shouldn't be allowed?


Democracy is exactly what happened in the Brexit vote.People made their own minds up after listening to all sides. Democracy is not trying to incite people to "rise up" and change a perfectly free choice to whatever you happen to believe in. I wonder if Blair would like to stay in Europe for any other reason perhaps fancying being made President.No that can't be true can it,can it???

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What did Cameron do that made more untrustworthy than Blair? Blair lied. A lot. Cameron shot the country in the head with brexit, organised austerity and various other things besides. But out and out lies? He can't hold a candle to Blair.


Well he promised below 100,000 net migration; that failure is why we are in this mess.

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Why does he just go back under the rock that he crawled from or better still and go move in with is best mate BUSH,,,, He should keep out of what the people of England want . That is what we voted on to leave and why has he not been put in front of a war court for starting a was with is mate BUSH that as left the world in the place that it is in saw,why does a reporter ask if he should be in prison for what he has done .Just go away BLAIR BLAIR ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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