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Blair wants us to 'rise up against Brexit.'

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Blair made the UK into the 21st century economic powerhouse which it still is (for now). Not Cameron. Not Brown. Not Maggie. Not Major. Not Churchill.



Absolute rubbish.


Blair had no knowledge of understanding of Economics (hence his enthusiasm to frog march the UK into the single currency) and no knowledge or understanding of international affairs either (hence his disastrous interventions overseas).

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Blair made the UK into the 21st century economic powerhouse which it still is (for now). Not Cameron. Not Brown. Not Maggie. Not Major. Not Churchill.



Have you got any evidence for that statement? Seems to me like it would be something relatively easy to prove with the relevant data. On which data are you basing it?

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I think you're correct Justin, you wouldn't believe how some people make up stories.

One bloke on SF said his nephew voted for brexit because he believed the 350 million story, then regretted it.

Then a few weeks later told exactly the same story but this time it was his cousin. Unbelievable.

Hang about a bit, sorry it was you wasn't it Justin.


This post is underhand. I made it quiet clear I`d mixed up my cousins and nephews definitions. It was my nephew.

I`m not in the habit of lying, and object to the insinuation you`re making.

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Absolute rubbish.


Blair had no knowledge of understanding of Economics (hence his enthusiasm to frog march the UK into the single currency) and no knowledge or understanding of international affairs either (hence his disastrous interventions overseas).

So, Nigel, explain to me by what sort of political miracle did Blair, starting with unelectable Labour, manage to win 3 GEs on trot :)

Have you got any evidence for that statement? Seems to me like it would be something relatively easy to prove with the relevant data. On which data are you basing it?
Start here for a well-researched and fair (academic) overview. You might want to brew a cuppa.
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This post is underhand. I made it quiet clear I`d mixed up my cousins and nephews definitions. It was my nephew.

I`m not in the habit of lying, and object to the insinuation you`re making.

Course you did, easily done, I'm always mixing up my wife with my daughter.

You told the same story a couple of weeks apart and quoted different people.

Then you come on here with nearly every post accusing brexiters of lying,

I'm not saying you're lying, but you must be easily confused,

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You don't ever have to like anyone, to owe them some respect where earned respect is still due.


And I'm afraid that, for all his character faults and foibles, but by any measure of objectivity, Blair still has more respect earned as a British PM left in his little finger, than all of May, Davis, Fox and Johnson all put together.


Much as I dislike the man, and as it pains me to say all that. I believe that is precisely the sort of situations for which the adjective "begrudgingly" was designed in the British language.


But well. This is the age of fake messages and messenger shooting. Draw your own conclusions.


I'm not sure respect is the word I'd use, but only the most blinkered would deny that Tony Blair was the most proficient, successful politician of the late 20th & early 21st century. He dragged the unelectable Labour Party kicking and screaming into an electable party (and yes I know he reaped the benefits of what was started by Kinnock and the late, lamented John Smith, and the suicidal tendencies of the late 20th century conservatives) but it is doubtful any other Labour politician of that era could have achieved what he did - just compare the level of his achievements with what has happened to the Labour party since he left office if you doubt this.


He did many things I don't agree with, but he also did many things I do support.


Good people often do bad things in the same way that bad people might occasionally do something good.

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Multi-millionaire Tony Blair wants us all to 'rise up against Brexit.'


Can I suggest we all rise up against lying, war-mongering, self-serving politicians who have not served the best interests of the British people for years, like him.


Multi-millionaire Paul Dacre wants us all to believe the 30 years of lies about the EU that his newspaper, the Daily Mail, has made up.


Can I suggest we all rise up against lying, war-mongering, self-serving newspaper barons who have not served the best interests of the British people for years, like him.

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Here's an idea. How about nobody rises up against anybody and we all agree to accept the collective judgement of the people. We should have a name for this. How about "democracy"? Has a nice ring to it.
Must be how and why it's pro-Leave MPs who are warning everyone who'll listen about civil unrest if Brexit is imperilled by <anyone>, rather than pro-Remain campaigners :hihi:
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Multi-millionaire Paul Dacre wants us all to believe the 30 years of lies about the EU that his newspaper, the Daily Mail, has made up.


Can I suggest we all rise up against lying, war-mongering, self-serving newspaper barons who have not served the best interests of the British people for years, like him.


Yes! They're on my list. Quite near the top actually.

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