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Blair wants us to 'rise up against Brexit.'

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Here's an idea. How about nobody rises up against anybody and we all agree to accept the collective judgement of the people. We should have a name for this. How about "democracy"? Has a nice ring to it.


A positive and sensible post.

I wonder what the rest of the world must think of the West when we try to spread democracy.

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On the topic of brexit.


Why were there two questions on the ballot paper?

Surely the only question should have been 'Do you want to leave the EU'.


The question asking whether we wanted to remain members was redundant really as we are already members.


The result as it stands is not taking into account the opinion of those who did not vote, so cannot really be classed as a democratic vote.

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On the topic of brexit.


Why were there two questions on the ballot paper?

Surely the only question should have been 'Do you want to leave the EU'.


The question asking whether we wanted to remain members was redundant really as we are already members.


The result as it stands is not taking into account the opinion of those who did not vote, so cannot really be classed as a democratic vote.



Or some other ridiculous notion that one might invent to justify disobeying the will of the people.

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Or some other ridiculous notion that one might invent to justify disobeying the will of the people.


I'm getting seriously tired of this lazy, brain-addling court of public opinion tripe: since when did Britain turn from a representative democracy into a direct democracy?


I'll tell you what the will of the people is: to work as little as they can get away with, to earn at least £50k per annum, to retire at 45 on a full salary, to have free unlimited healthcare from cradle to grave, to be given a free house with a free 70" OLED TV in each room and a free multiroom Sky package for life, free full time education from nursery to tertiary, and free holidays in the sun a couple times a year at least. Don't believe me? Try a Facebook poll and see for yourself.


I say we give them everything they want, right this instant :D:P

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I'm getting seriously tired of this lazy, brain-addling court of public opinion tripe: since when did Britain turn from a representative democracy into a direct democracy?


I'll tell you what the will of the people is: to work as little as they can get away with, to earn at least £50k per annum, to retire at 45 on a full salary, to have free unlimited healthcare from cradle to grave, to be given a free house with a free 70" OLED TV in each room and a free multiroom Sky package for life, free full time education from nursery to tertiary, and free holidays in the sun a couple times a year at least. Don't believe me? Try a Facebook poll and see for yourself.


I say we give them everything they want, right this instant :D:P


On this matter? When the representatives voted to hold the referendum! I would have thought that obvious.

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On this matter? When the representatives voted to hold the referendum! I would have thought that obvious.
I have news for you: hundreds of years' worth of constitutional law developments and, lately, both the High Court and the Supreme Court, disagree with you.


Be careful bandying words like 'obvious' about such matters. It shows your intellectual shortcuts and does you no favours.

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Course you did, easily done, I'm always mixing up my wife with my daughter.

You told the same story a couple of weeks apart and quoted different people.

Then you come on here with nearly every post accusing brexiters of lying,

I'm not saying you're lying, but you must be easily confused,


Saying it`s as easy to mix up wife and daughter (who are, by definition, different ages) as to mix up cousins and nephews (who frequently have ages which are the same) is rubbish. I have not lied, anyone who know me thinks it`s odd how I will not lie, but that`s how it is.

And when I accuse Brexiteers of lying I`m generally referring to their leaders / their parties / their campaigns. As far as I can remember I`ve never accused anyone on SF of lying, that`s being personal and therefore bad form, something you should bear in mind. If I have directly accused anyone on SF of lying please quote it and I`ll apologise. I think you should consider doing the latter.


---------- Post added 21-02-2017 at 14:04 ----------


On this matter? When the representatives voted to hold the referendum! I would have thought that obvious.


Not really, "the people" were given a simple binary question which, particularly since the referendum, is now being shown to be far too simplistic. Particularly when Brexiteers make arrogant and unsubstantiated assumptions about what the vote exactly meant.

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Not really, "the people" were given a simple binary question which, particularly since the referendum, is now being shown to be far too simplistic. Particularly when Brexiteers make arrogant and unsubstantiated assumptions about what the vote exactly meant.



They're not unsubstantiated and they're not assumptions.

Both campaigns were very clear about this.


Soft Brexit is a myth.


---------- Post added 21-02-2017 at 14:11 ----------


I have news for you: hundreds of years' worth of constitutional law developments and, lately, both the High Court and the Supreme Court, disagree with you.


Be careful bandying words like 'obvious' about such matters. It shows your intellectual shortcuts and does you no favours.


As a matter is constitutional law it may be complicated. As a matter of principle it is exceedingly simple. The MPs voted to hold the referendum and gave their word to uphold the result in parliament. Now we expect them to do exactly that.


In my view, your argument only gives a get-out to the MPs who voted against holding the referendum. Which I'm more than happy to grant them.

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Saying it`s as easy to mix up wife and daughter (who are, by definition, different ages) as to mix up cousins and nephews (who frequently have ages which are the same) is rubbish. I have not lied, anyone who know me thinks it`s odd how I will not lie, but that`s how it is.

And when I accuse Brexiteers of lying I`m generally referring to their leaders / their parties / their campaigns. As far as I can remember I`ve never accused anyone on SF of lying, that`s being personal and therefore bad form, something you should bear in mind. If I have directly accused anyone on SF of lying please quote it and I`ll apologise. I think you should consider doing the latter.


---------- Post added 21-02-2017 at 14:04 ----------



I wish you'd make your mind up, when I pointed out to you originally you were quoting your nephew then a few weeks later your cousin for the same quote you said you'd got them mixed up, easily done with two seperate people, I'm always getting confused with my wife and daughter.

Then you said yesterday you'd got their references mixed up, now you're getting the people mixed up again.

I'm afraid you're going to be waiting a long time for an apology from me on that one, it's you who gets easily confused, you can ask your nephew and cousin about that.

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