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Who are the real "progressives"?

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Income inequality is at the lowest level since 1986, so surely in that regard this government could be seen as somewhat progressive?
Not this government, no. A wider context than 'since 1986' (including the state of play up to and since 2009) might help appreciate the point.

But to objectively define "progress" politically we have to have agreement on a designation or direction. <...>

What destination are we moving away from that you feel we should move toward.

Maintaining levels of individual/civil liberties and equality as achieved until on or around 2002.

Or what direction of travel is simply the reverse of what you believe it should be?
The one being currently followed, started during the last of the Blair/Brown years (Terrorism Act, RIPA, Civil Contingencies Act, etc.)


It's not exclusive to the UK at all, by the way.

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I'm not sure I would support this in the context of a genuine elevated threat from paramilitaries both foreign and domestic.

As I said earlier, a balance has to be struck but that cannot extent to keeping citizens incarcerated with out due process for months.


Some of this is the price of multiculturalism and one which I have always considered worth paying. That's progress too.

Sometimes regression in one area is more than balanced by progress in another.

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