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Is It Safer in the Bank or Under the Mattress.

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Well let us be honest the banks are very good at reclaiming money back from fraudsters, as they themselves are experts in their own way. With the UK owing around 1 trillion in government debt, adn1.5 in private debt, one can see instantly where and what the country invest in. Its not business, innovation, its in property and other assets, where the casino culture of money for nothing makes working people obsolete.


In a decade or so why have humans being architects, doctors, nurses, cleaners, bankers, surveyors and so on, when its can all be done so much better by software algorithms, so the end of most of the professional class.


Welcome to the corporate run world where profit is king, and paying wages and all sort of complication will be obsolete in the corporate heaven we are embracing. We can see what the future holds today, remember the Liverpool Care Pathway where NHS privitised trusts killed hundreds of thousand of people prematurely for additional government funding? Some got over half a billion.


Through closing hospitals, wards, departments, and services, it makes for a more efficient NHS, where in theory specialisation of the highest quality is available, providing there is little demand. Unfortunately with population growth due to many factors the remaining Hospitals of Excellence are overwhelmed in this new improved business model ready for privatisation model having been created.


So the government decided that from a business standpoint, spending in all public areas must be reduced hopefully to nothing one day. So We have the disabled being denied a home, bedroom tax, as well as money through various schemes designed for getting rid of the problem, resulting in hundreds of suicides, and premature deaths, all fitting nicely into the proposed spending cuts already in place.


Its about profit, not people, and as for computer fraud, compared to the financial industry those involved have a great deal to lean from the professionals, whose business model is to rip everyone off anyway. If you want a safe place for money then gold will always be a hedge against the banks way of devaluing money. Property is of course a safe bet ...well almost as the bubbles created by cheap money push up prices while wages stagnate except for CEO's and senior managers. Its a game, in which the chickens are being starved of proper nutrition while being fed crap, to make them fat enough to sell, after the usual water injection into the meat for extra profits of course.


Welcome to a taste of the future right now, its all around you, but you see nothing.

Wow! Absolutely spot on- you have true insight, and that is very, very rare, especially on this forum. I look forward to more posts from you.

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Software algorithms doing ... nursing...? Which is almost all hands on physical. Cleaning? Surveying?


Gold might be relatively safe in the long run, but in the short term it's highly volatile and could cause you to lose a lot.


Very ranty, a bit lite on facts or substance though.

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Well let us be honest the banks are very good at reclaiming money back from fraudsters, as they themselves are experts in their own way. With the UK owing around 1 trillion in government debt, adn1.5 in private debt, one can see instantly where and what the country invest in. Its not business, innovation, its in property and other assets, where the casino culture of money for nothing makes working people obsolete.


In a decade or so why have humans being architects, doctors, nurses, cleaners, bankers, surveyors and so on, when its can all be done so much better by software algorithms, so the end of most of the professional class.


Welcome to the corporate run world where profit is king, and paying wages and all sort of complication will be obsolete in the corporate heaven we are embracing. We can see what the future holds today, remember the Liverpool Care Pathway where NHS privitised trusts killed hundreds of thousand of people prematurely for additional government funding? Some got over half a billion.


Through closing hospitals, wards, departments, and services, it makes for a more efficient NHS, where in theory specialisation of the highest quality is available, providing there is little demand. Unfortunately with population growth due to many factors the remaining Hospitals of Excellence are overwhelmed in this new improved business model ready for privatisation model having been created.


So the government decided that from a business standpoint, spending in all public areas must be reduced hopefully to nothing one day. So We have the disabled being denied a home, bedroom tax, as well as money through various schemes designed for getting rid of the problem, resulting in hundreds of suicides, and premature deaths, all fitting nicely into the proposed spending cuts already in place.


Its about profit, not people, and as for computer fraud, compared to the financial industry those involved have a great deal to lean from the professionals, whose business model is to rip everyone off anyway. If you want a safe place for money then gold will always be a hedge against the banks way of devaluing money. Property is of course a safe bet ...well almost as the bubbles created by cheap money push up prices while wages stagnate except for CEO's and senior managers. Its a game, in which the chickens are being starved of proper nutrition while being fed crap, to make them fat enough to sell, after the usual water injection into the meat for extra profits of course.


Welcome to a taste of the future right now, its all around you, but you see nothing.


This post brings back memories of the song "In The Year 2525" :cool: By the way what kind of software could you think of that could erect an 80 storey building? Design it, yes, already being done, but how would you get the building erected. Personally, I can't ever see a time when a "hands on" approach will be obsolete in many areas, especially the trades, and in construction.

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