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Man Complains About " Racist"Primark T-Shirt

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He said He said: "We were shocked when we came face to face with a new t-shirt with a racially explicit graphic and text.


Hold on, first of all the weapon is not racially explicit and neither is the wording. It's the connotations associated with it put there by the reader as the rhyme predates the racist angle.


The only shocking part of this is the man involved assumes that out of all of the variants, this must be the racist version. Does that not mean his is in fact racist for making such an assumption, being this is the version he "goes to" (tongue in cheek).

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A Sheffield man has complained to Primark about a t-shirt that has some words from a nursery rhyme printed on it , claiming it is " Racist and Offensive" because someone in an American TV show used the same words in a different context .


He said He said: "We were shocked when we came face to face with a new t-shirt with a racially explicit graphic and text.



this bloke who`s complained really needs to get a life . Obviously a raving mad leftie.


There is nothing printed on that T-shirt that is offensive, nothing at all .





'Obviously a raving mad leftie.'

Ah, now we get to the point of the thread :hihi:


Incidentally, Jeremy Clarkson got into bother for repeating the 'eeny meeny' children's counting rhyme on telly some years ago....

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According to the NME him and his missus are from Sheffield too.


Personally I can't really get mad about this, it takes a special kind of prat to take time out finding something racist in this. I hear it's been used as a selection rhyme (which I'm pretty sure how we all know it) by children since 1820. I'm sure the origins are quite difficult to trace but I wouldn't be surprised if it was adopted by slave drivers as a selection rhyme for their slaves as it were.


Normally I could rant about this stuff but it's actually surprised me how someone can go so far out of their way to be offended by something.

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I'm sure the origins are quite difficult to trace but I wouldn't be surprised if it was adopted by slave drivers as a selection rhyme for their slaves as it were.


The origins are pretty much impossible to trace for certain, there's even some speculation it was a poem brought over by the slaves themselves and adopted/translated due to common sounding phrases.


Although others say it was a selection poem used by welsh farmers to select sheep, so god knows it could be anything!!

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To me, the most shocking bit is that Primark actually pulled the shirts from the store. Can't they even argue or defend themselves against such irrational remarks?


Btw, the offensive version of the rhyme is probably the oldest one, it was published in 1888 (as I've just learned).

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To me, the most shocking bit is that Primark actually pulled the shirts from the store. Can't they even argue or defend themselves against such irrational remarks?


Btw, the offensive version of the rhyme is probably the oldest one, it was published in 1888 (as I've just learned).

its probably not been pulled really, just a bit of media hi ho i reckon

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