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Man Complains About " Racist"Primark T-Shirt

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The only thing im offended by the spread of Political correctness in this country by the liberal left. There are a section of people who i refer to as " professional complainers " , who find offence in everything that is even remotely controversial . Its these people who are the real problem in society.


Do you understand what 'liberal' means? You can have liberal left, liberal right, authoritarian right and authoritarian left. You my friend are in the liberal right camp yet fail to realise it.

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id love one of these t shirts ;none in primark today


I wanted one as well to go with my Breaking Bad T-Shirt (which obviously means I'm a meth addict..) But.. you can get a different one with the same logo on Amazon and BTW, its in black so not as racist!

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Well it looked like rubbish so I for one would not be suprised. Some people will buy anything. I found the quality in Pri-marni was good when it first opened stores in Sheffield but along with many other businesses it let the quality slip so i would not go in there now unless I was desperate.

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We used to say catch a piggy by its toe.


---------- Post added 21-02-2017 at 14:19 ----------


But that could also be classed as racist. ??? :)


To pigs maybe! (or to other farm yard animals, on behalf of pigs)


---------- Post added 24-02-2017 at 08:16 ----------


A Sheffield man has complained to Primark about a t-shirt that has some words from a nursery rhyme printed on it , claiming it is " Racist and Offensive" because someone in an American TV show used the same words in a different context .


He said He said: "We were shocked when we came face to face with a new t-shirt with a racially explicit graphic and text.



this bloke who`s complained really needs to get a life . Obviously a raving mad leftie.


There is nothing printed on that T-shirt that is offensive, nothing at all .




I've never seen the show so personally, I wouldn't have had a clue what the t-shirt was referring too but never in a million years would I have considered it to be racist, and probably nor would anyone else except this guy. What a delicate sole.

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Well it looked like rubbish so I for one would not be suprised. Some people will buy anything. I found the quality in Pri-marni was good when it first opened stores in Sheffield but along with many other businesses it let the quality slip so i would not go in there now unless I was desperate.


They sell t-shirts for £2 made by basically slave child labour. Did you honestly expect it to be anything other than absolute cheap rubbish?

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