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Vermin pigeons at ponds forge

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All wild creatures wake up knowing that they have to go looking for there food to keep them alive they cant go and sit comfortably waiting for their latest overpriced meal to be brought to them on a tray, trouble is with people today they have life to easy you should have lived after the war when we all had to forage for food to survive then you may appreciate their plight.I would much rather see pigeons around town than semi feral kids with aerosols buggering the place up.If you dont like the birds simple solution is to eat inside end of.Theres always one idiot who likes to think he is the Terminator with a gun more likely he coudnt hit the sides of a barn if he stood inside it.So creatures have to die just because some pussy doesnt like them just grow some and let life go on.


Awwww, how cute :rolleyes:

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If you dont like the birds simple solution is to eat inside end of.



I don't think that you (and many others on this thread) get it.


The OP is talking about pigeons that have taken up residence and fly around inside the building.

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Couldn't agree more. After all the filthiest most polluting animal on earth is man by a huge margin because we've bred like vermin and now threaten to over run the planet and its resources. Yet still many of us see fit to sit in judgement on creatures that pose little or no threat to anyone or anything, in comparison to our wholesale destruction.
wow ,lets eradicate the human race and let pigeons rule after all we as you said are VERMIN !
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I've always wondered... Who are we to pick and choose which animals should be considered/treated as "vermin"?


Vermin can be described as any animal the complainant doesn't like for whatever reason.

Humans are more vermin-like than pigeons imo.

The NGH used to be plagued by many, many pigeons and feral cats. I believe air rifles were used along with spikes on guttering etc. The problem is no more

Edited by Daven
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Funny how the pigeon haters love the peregrines. The peregrines which feed largely on said pigeons and thus share the same diseases, if any. I think you'll find your own dog or cat carries far more diseases transmissible to humans, than do any bird species.

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