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Theresa May, what is she good for?

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Not only is she dividing the nation over the EU, we now find she is paying millions of pounds compo to mass murderers.


When is she going to do something right?


From the Middle East to the NHS everything she touches turns to dust.


In a few short months she is turning out to be a disaster.

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Not only is she dividing the nation over the EU, we now find she is paying millions of pounds compo to mass murderers.


When is she going to do something right?


From the Middle East to the NHS everything she touches turns to dust.


In a few short months she is turning out to be a disaster.


Just out of couriosity, do you think if she ignored the referendum result or diluted the country wouldn't be divided?

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Just out of couriosity, do you think if she ignored the referendum result or diluted the country wouldn't be divided?


It is obvious the country has always been divided. This referendum has just brought it to a head.

It is just showing that, in reality, democracy in the raw is unworkable.


There will always be people who dispute the result, and have right to.


Anyone who thinks it will all be fine and dandy, and everyone will tow the line, does not know Englishmen very well.


However, the question is, what is Theresa Mays purpose in all this.

She was made PM, unelected, even by her own party, let alone by a General Election.


Now once again her judgment is brought severely into question, firstly by paying this man a million pounds when she was Home Secretary, then losing track of him when she is PM.


Can she be trusted with other things, her eye is one particular goal it seems, and everything else is going to hell.

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It is obvious the country has always been divided. This referendum has just brought it to a head.

It is just showing that, in reality, democracy in the raw is unworkable.


There will always be people who dispute the result, and have right to.


Anyone who thinks it will all be fine and dandy, and everyone will tow the line, does not know Englishmen very well.


However, the question is, what is Theresa Mays purpose in all this.

She was made PM, unelected, even by her own party, let alone by a General Election.


Now once again her judgment is brought severely into question, firstly by paying this man a million pounds when she was Home Secretary, then losing track of him when she is PM.


Can she be trusted with other things, her eye is one particular goal it seems, and everything else is going to hell.


He wasn't paid a million pounds, a million pounds was awarded to a group of four men of which he was one so it was divided by four and included the legal costs of the men.

This man also lived for 10 years in Britain after the compo was paid without any trouble.

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He wasn't paid a million pounds, a million pounds was awarded to a group of four men of which he was one so it was divided by four and included the legal costs of the men.

This man also lived for 10 years in Britain after the compo was paid without any trouble.


Oh that make it all alright then.

She only gave him a quarter of a million pounds before he blew everyone up.


That is not the point, stop side-tracking.


The question is:- Is Theresa may's judgement flawed?



If she is wrong in this, she will be wrong in other things, and with her pathetic government, and the fawning attitude of the opposition she will continue to get away with it.

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I thought she seemed OK at first, said all the right things, and isn't 'one of the club.' So far, so good. But she hasn't done very much beside talk, and judging by her performance in the House of Commons for Prime Ministers questions, she's just another vicious David Cameron MK2.

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Oh that make it all alright then.

She only gave him a quarter of a million pounds before he blew everyone up.


That is not the point, stop side-tracking.


The question is:- Is Theresa may's judgement flawed?



If she is wrong in this, she will be wrong in other things, and with her pathetic government, and the fawning attitude of the opposition she will continue to get away with it.


Did May make that judgement or did she pay out reluctantly after a court case?

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Did May make that judgement or did she pay out reluctantly after a court case?


It was the advice of government lawyers and independent QC's.




I'm not sure why the paying of compensation is the big issue here. Surely the bigger issue is they way the Labour government acted that required compensation be paid?


"The payout is bound to be seen as a blow to the reputation of the former foreign secretaries David Miliband, Margaret Beckett and Jack Straw for allegedly eroding civil liberties. Their reputations will turn more on the outcome of the Gibson inquiry."

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It was the advice of government lawyers and independent QC's.




I'm not sure why the paying of compensation is the big issue here. Surely the bigger issue is they way the Labour government acted that required compensation be paid?


"The payout is bound to be seen as a blow to the reputation of the former foreign secretaries David Miliband, Margaret Beckett and Jack Straw for allegedly eroding civil liberties. Their reputations will turn more on the outcome of the Gibson inquiry."


But, but, labour cant do anything wrong, theyre awesome! Tories are always horrible! Boo! Hiss ! Etc !!!


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