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Theresa May, what is she good for?

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Not only is she dividing the nation over the EU, we now find she is paying millions of pounds compo to mass murderers.


When is she going to do something right?


From the Middle East to the NHS everything she touches turns to dust.


In a few short months she is turning out to be a disaster.[/QUOT)


She could be a lot worse I suppose not her biggest fan though.

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Not only is she dividing the nation over the EU, we now find she is paying millions of pounds compo to mass murderers.


When is she going to do something right?


From the Middle East to the NHS everything she touches turns to dust.


In a few short months she is turning out to be a disaster.


She is good at slapping Corbyn down at PMQs

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There would be nothing to accept as the status quo would have continued.


You know, as well I know that this was a snap decision in a fit of pique between Boris Johnson and David Cameron, egged on by the unspeakable moron Farage.


If we were to have behaved like a grown up country, the intention could have been announced, and negotiations started on a proper basis, aiming for secession in an agreeable reasonable timescale.


Instead, everything has been rushed at, all done half baked, with the incessant backdrop of racist, xenophobic maniacs shouting louder and louder.


The whole thing is a complete and utter shambles, all done to please Nigel Farage, and that is a fact, no matter what anyone may try to pretend otherwise.


It might have stayed the same but I am asking you if it had gone the other way would you just have told people who voted to leave to accept it? If so then why can you not accept the result?

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It might have stayed the same but I am asking you if it had gone the other way would you just have told people who voted to leave to accept it? If so then why can you not accept the result?


Why should someone meekly accept something they disagree with?

We are not animals, who just follow the leader.


if someone does not accept my view point, it means they are wrong, obviously, but they should still be allowed to have their own viewpoint.


If the intention to withdraw had been handled properly, in a civilised and grown up fashion, with proper plans laid out and open for discussion and agreement by all parties, including our fellow citizens on the mainland, then it would have been different.


Instead, it has all the dignity of a housing estate street brawl, with loudest, most ignorant mouths ruling the action.


In the 1970's I voted against the EEC as it was then, as it is now, a capitalist cartel.


But it is moving towards the left, and we have many rights and privileges we did not have before.

On balance, and to try to maintain solidarity with our fellow EU citizens, I voted to remain.


Until we get a proper, mutually agreed, comprehensive plan, acceptable to, and accepted by all parties, that will be my position.

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Really struggling to see the link here between Brexit and this article and why we'd hate it? You sure you aren't projecting your feelings on to others?


---------- Post added 24-02-2017 at 09:48 ----------


It might have stayed the same but I am asking you if it had gone the other way would you just have told people who voted to leave to accept it? If so then why can you not accept the result?


Don't feed the troll. It obvious that Jacktari is a troll now. A good one I must admit as for a while I wasn't sure, but this line:


if someone does not accept my view point, it means they are wrong, obviously, but they should still be allowed to have their own viewpoint


has kinda sealed it now.

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Don't feed the troll. It obvious that Jacktari is a troll now. A good one I must admit as for a while I wasn't sure, but this line:



You are wrong, sgtkate, and you disappoint me, if that is your opinion of me.


I am trying, in my ham-fisted way, to get you to think about the situations you are confronted with.


if anything I say can make you reconsider and think you may be wrong, then I will have had a modicum of success.


As Cromwell said,

I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be mistaken.

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You are wrong, sgtkate, and you disappoint me, if that is your opinion of me.


I am trying, in my ham-fisted way, to get you to think about the situations you are confronted with.


if anything I say can make you reconsider and think you may be wrong, then I will have had a modicum of success.


As Cromwell said,

I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be mistaken.


I shall give you benefit of the doubt then :) I agree with some of what you say, but things like the above that anyone who doesn't agree with you is wrong (unless said in jest) just makes people ignore you.

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