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Theresa May, what is she good for?

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I shall give you benefit of the doubt then :) I agree with some of what you say, but things like the above that anyone who doesn't agree with you is wrong (unless said in jest) just makes people ignore you.


It was said in jest, some things don't come across very well in print.


I just type as I think, i don't compose my posts beforehand.

That smacks of manipulation to me.

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  • 3 months later...
Theresa May is good for leading our country to glory.

She always appears well dressed and turned out.

She acts responsibly and with decorum.

I think history will record her as the best Prime Minister the UK has had for many a decade.

Instead of being negative we as a nation need to start being grateful for having such a leader and pay her the respect that she is due.

Terrific Theresa we have faith and trust in you.


Have you changed your mind yet?

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Oh that make it all alright then.

She only gave him a quarter of a million pounds before he blew everyone up.


That is not the point, stop side-tracking.


The question is:- Is Theresa may's judgement flawed?



If she is wrong in this, she will be wrong in other things, and with her pathetic government, and the fawning attitude of the opposition she will continue to get away with it.



Tell us next weeks lottery numbers,please.:hihi:

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Pity she doesn't try answering his questions....


She only does slogans. "Brexit means Brexit". ???????????????


"Strong and stable". Er, yeah.


I've had managers like her. Strong on bullying and cronyism, terrible judgement and when they come to actually do something detailed... oh dear.


She ought to go. If she runs Brexit negotiations like she ran her election campaign we are all going to end up eating grass for the next twenty years.

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She only does slogans. "Brexit means Brexit". ???????????????


"Strong and stable". Er, yeah.


I've had managers like her. Strong on bullying and cronyism, terrible judgement and when they come to actually do something detailed... oh dear.


She ought to go. If she runs Brexit negotiations like she ran her election campaign we are all going to end up eating grass for the next twenty years.


she does seem to have made her "coalition of chaos" though maybe not in the way she imagined.

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not sure about acting responsibly - didn't she invite Trump to a State Visit before we really knew what sort of president he would be


A friend of mine was her boss many years ago and doesn't consider her very bright - too easily swayed by the views of others, too impetuous


Having said that she has a job few people would want or could truly succeed in right now (we might not know for years if is all worth it, or if she did a decent job). Even as a remainer myself I can see Brexit is inevitable now so lets get on and do it - and that is what she seems to be trying to do with some determination


Re bib...


Wow. Spot on.

Calls snap election.

Inserts kamikaze bits into manifesto (Dementia tax) without cabinet knowledge, let alone agreement.

When that goes horribly wrong, immediately jumps into bed with the DUP, risking the whole peace process in NI.


Even though her advisors have gone, don't worry, she's now got Arlene Foster to tell her what to do.

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She is a very good liar. She is good at cutting social services. She is good at making quick thoughtless decisions. She is good at running bad election campaign. She is good at being tough and hard calling this negotiating.


She is great.

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Guest sibon
she does seem to have made her "coalition of chaos" though maybe not in the way she imagined.


She still hasn't sorted the coalition part out.


She's absolutely nailed the chaos bit though.

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