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Big houses on queen mary road, manor

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when I lived on Scotia Drive in the 50s and 60s, there were two houses which were shrouded in mystery. As you go up Wulfric Rd from city Rd, get to junction with Queen Mary Rd and turn left towards Scotia Drive, there were two houses on the left. They were bigger than surrounding houses and appeared to be flat roofed. They also had a round window to the front. They were totally out of character with the area and despite living close to them ,I never saw the occupants. I saw them again a few years ago, maybe they are still there. Does anyone know anything about them?

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Hi, I believe the houses you are referring to are the Malthouses built in 1946 by Malthouse Precision Methods, Rosedale Road, Sheffield. Here is the link to Picturesheffield which has photographs of its construction. http://www.picturesheffield.com/frontend.php?keywords=Ref_No_increment;EQUALS;s12652&action=zoom&pos=60&id=15563&continueUrl=

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Hi, I believe the houses you are referring to are the Malthouses built in 1946 by Malthouse Precision Methods, Rosedale Road, Sheffield. Here is the link to Picturesheffield which has photographs of its construction. http://www.picturesheffield.com/frontend.php?keywords=Ref_No_increment;EQUALS;s12652&action=zoom&pos=60&id=15563&continueUrl=


Many thanks sweetcheeks, They are definitely the ones I remember (the flat roof reference was obviously those little towers at the front, as kids we always imagined them as being very 'posh'. it's a pity they didn't build the whole estate like that.

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