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Experiences in your life that now make you shudder.

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Many years ago when I was in my early 20s I went out one Saturday night it was in the summer months. Been to my usual haunts in town then went to a nightclub at this time clubs used to close at 1pm unlike now.


I left the club and made my way home which was two miles away was about halfway and passing though a small hamlet walking along the main road. I wasn't drunk might have been on way a bit but still aware of my surroundings then a black car stopped and the door opened the car wasn't well lit inside but could make out a outline of a man who shouted at me to get into his car I declined and started to walk a bit faster but I noticed the car was following me slowly he caught up with me he opened the door again nearly hitting me with it he spoke again I didn't answer kept walking . Then I entered the area were I lived I saw the car spin round and left at speed.


When I think back and what you read in the media I think my guardian angel was watching me that night. Have you had a experience in the past that now on reflection you think you had a narrow escape with ?

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Back at the start of the 00's i would just go off and find a gig - London, Southampton, Nottingham, Wolverhampton, Leeds - i could go on. I'd never even take into account accommodation or how i was getting home. Many a night was spent asleep on train station benches or in any place that looked comfortable. Wouldn't dare do it these days but back then it wasn't a worry. I even did 5 gigs in 5 nights travelling from Leeds, London, Nottingham, Wolverhampton and back to Sheffield and we slept rough or stayed up all night for 4 of them - until we cheated and got back early for the last gig in Sheffield to go home and have a kip!!


Anything could have happened on any night ... thankfully the only trouble i ever had was in Nottingham with some Pigeons that kept opening the automatic doors and making it too cold to sleep!!

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The only thing that ever stays with me was about 12 years ago, trying to cross Church Street, near the then Lloyds bank. I had been waved across in front of a bus, but behind another bus, the driver suggesting it was ok to cross (traffic was heavy). What I didn't see was the tram coming in the opposite direction at speed, blocked out by the bus. I was literally a foot or two away from it when I saw it.


Totally stupid of me to trust the driver, and it's taught me a lesson, but I still have 'flashbacks' of it, for want of a better word, when crossing that road.


At least I've learnt from my idiocy!

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About 15-20 years ago now, I was at university and went out with a group of mates to celebrate the end of the year. Through the course of the day we got completely drunk and ended up back at one of my mates houses getting even more drunk on spirits over the evening - like you do!

A couple of them were into rock climbing and abseiling and thought it would be a brilliant idea to take the gear and abseil off a bridge. So we all set off, about 8 of us, with climbing gear, pick axes etc at about 2-3am to a nearby bridge that one of them knew of. :o

To this day I can't remember if the bridge was over a railway line or a river, but thankfully we never made it. one of my mates was so drunk, he fell over in the road without catching himself. We had to get an ambulance out and he was quickly taken to hospital, that was sobering enough to make the rest of us call it a night.


I dread to think what could have happened if we'd made it to whatever bridge we were heading for. Thankfully the guy who fell over had only badly grazed his face and recovered pretty quickly. I obviously didn't think it at the time, but what utter idiots we were back then... :roll:

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Was living in Birmingham nearly 20 years ago and was out with friends. We were going to a night club but had to queue up outside before. At the very last minute we decided not to and went else where.


Sometime after we saw police and ambulance everywhere. It turns out two sport cars were racing each other. One drove into people at least 60 MPH who were queuing up outside. Killed a few people and seriously injured more.


We for sure would have been in that spot at that time.

Edited by Futures Red
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Deciding to overtake very slow traffic in heavy fog, then realising that there was a coned-off island in middle of road and I was on the wrong side of it just as I had started the manoeuver and was committed, with no way back into my lane...then glimpsing oncoming headlights in the distance a half-second later.


I managed to emergency-brake out of the way on the 'I' section of a T-junction by the island (think "landing a plane on a runway widthways instead of lengthways"), lucky there was no car waiting there.


Plenty suicidal daft enough, when I was young. But that one always jumps fresh in my mind, if I should start to get impatient behind a slow driver.

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When I was about 9ish I was visiting my grandparents on the manor top and was playing out on the road a car flew past us, slammed the brakes on and then reversed towards us, the passenger opened his door and tried to grab me whilst screaming at us to get in the car, we ran off and back into the grandparents hearts pounding, don't think I have ever been as scared as that.


I also did a 540 degree spin on the parkway driving with too much youthful exuberance after just passing my test, ended up facing the wrong way up the slip road that leads to Macro. That was pretty scary.

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Deciding to overtake very slow traffic in heavy fog, then realising that there was a coned-off island in middle of road and I was on the wrong side of it just as I had started the manoeuver and was committed, with no way back into my lane...then glimpsing oncoming headlights in the distance a half-second later.


I managed to emergency-brake out of the way on the 'I' section of a T-junction by the island (think "landing a plane on a runway widthways instead of lengthways"), lucky there was no car waiting there.


Plenty suicidal daft enough, when I was young. But that one always jumps fresh in my mind, if I should start to get impatient behind a slow driver.


Yikes, I felt a bit ill just reading that!

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