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Why we need to increase the maximum sentence for animal cruelty

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I just read an incredibly distressing case of animal cruelty in the paper. The perpetrators, who got a custodial sentence for their act of barbarism, would only serve two months of a four month sentence handed down by a judge.

Hopefully by toughening up the prison sentence, it would act as a deterrent to those who think that cruelty to animals is nothing.



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I just read an incredibly distressing case of animal cruelty in the paper. The perpetrators, who got a custodial sentence for their act of barbarism, would only serve two months of a four month sentence handed down by a judge.

Hopefully by toughening up the prison sentence, it would act as a deterrent to those who think that cruelty to animals is nothing.




I agree. Two months for such an extremely barbarous act is not justice by any means.

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I agree. Two months for such an extremely barbarous act is not justice by any means.


As abhorant as I find it, this particular case is an odd one - perhaps driven weapons grade idoicy and laziness rather than out right cruelty. The ones that do it for ****s and giggles to satisfy their own sadism worry me more. I've read a few recently (is it on the increase or just reported more?) and some you read and know they'll try it on a person next.


So in answer to the op, no, 6 months isn't nearly enough.

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As abhorant as I find it, this particular case is an odd one - perhaps driven weapons grade idoicy and laziness rather than out right cruelty. The ones that do it for ****s and giggles to satisfy their own sadism worry me more. I've read a few recently (is it on the increase or just reported more?) and some you read and know they'll try it on a person next.


So in answer to the op, no, 6 months isn't nearly enough.


It's said that animal cruelty is an indicator of psychopathy. Though I think that's unfair to psychopaths

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In America alone, today, 150 million animals will be slaughtered (murdered) having lived lives of unimaginable horror, confinment, misery and abuse. 150 animals every day, totally legal, totally accepted, and largely hidden.


If they are living lives of unimaginable horror and abuse then it shouldn't be legal as the the breeders/slaughterers etc won't be abiding by the animal welfare standards.


There are regulations in place to try and make sure animals bred for consumption aren't abused, are killed humanely, etc etc. I realise that these are not always followed, and there are indeed animals that do suffer unimaginable horror, but the recourse for that should be proper and regular inspection and the closing down/heavy fining of places that don't stick to the stringent regulations.

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If they are living lives of unimaginable horror and abuse then it shouldn't be legal as the the breeders/slaughterers etc won't be abiding by the animal welfare standards.


There are regulations in place to try and make sure animals bred for consumption aren't abused, are killed humanely, etc etc. I realise that these are not always followed, and there are indeed animals that do suffer unimaginable horror, but the recourse for that should be proper and regular inspection and the closing down/heavy fining of places that don't stick to the stringent regulations.


There's no such thing as humane murder- it's as nonsensical a concept as humane rape.


All food animals suffer unimaginable horror.

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There's no such thing as humane murder- it's as nonsensical a concept as humane rape.


All food animals suffer unimaginable horror.


No they don't.


Animals raised on high welfare farms where they have access to open space and are killed humanely and instantly arguably have a much better life than a wild animal that could die of starvation, or get mauled half to death by another animal and then die slowly and painfully etc etc.


I know what I would rather choose between being a cow or pig on a nice farm where I could happily wander about the fields all day before I got quickly and painlessly dispatched by a bolt through the head than say a fox that broke its leg and was unable to hunt and so painfully and slowly died, or a hedgehog that was gutted and left to die in agony by a badger, etc etc..

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I know what I would rather choose between being a cow or pig on a nice farm where I could happily wander about the fields all day before I got quickly and painlessly dispatched by a bolt through the head..


You don't mind being murdered for your flesh as long as it's by a bolt through your head?

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