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The north / south divide

Guest makapaka

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Guest makapaka

What do people think?


Quick example - Liverpool lime street will be closed for a week due to damage of tracks from falling debris.


If it had been st Pancras / kings cross / Euston what would the reaction have been from government/media?

Edited by makapaka
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What do people think?


Quick example - Liverpool lime street will be closed for a week due to damage of tracks from falling debris.


If it had been st Pancras / kings cross / Euston what would the reaction have been from government/media?



How many people use st Pancras, Kings Cross , Euston compared to Lime street?

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I'm just surprised that there's no contingency plan other than rail replacement buses.


One single route of entry to a major railway station and its put out of action by someone putting too much on their land nearby.




You'd think they'd make more use of Liverpool Parkway and put on extra trains from the city linking to it.


Network Rail are partially to blame for not inspecting the route more. That wall has looked dodgy for years.

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Guest makapaka
How many people use st Pancras, Kings Cross , Euston compared to Lime street?


Not the point at all though is it?


It's a major northern city not a local railway used by a few people a day.

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London and the South is where money is made. You rent a place outside of London for a few hundred pounds a month, whereas in London its few thousand pounds a week. Outside of London an ordinary house with 3-4 bedrooms can cost a few hundred thousand whereas in London a shoebox bedsitting room is at least half a million. In London money makes money whereas outside London people do real work, and manufacture things creating profits thorough increasing value though manufacturing things.


We live in the Outlands, where we are told of the Northern Powerhouse, to give the cloth cap brigade hope that they are valued. Its joke on us all, but we do not understand the cynicism, and believe the crap. We are going to have high speed trains, another joke, when compared to China or other countries. Our old technology will travel at 100-125mph apparently so why does the fastest train to Sheffield take 2.25 hours then, when its only about 170 miles?


The average speed at which trains in the UK travel is between 60 and 65mph, and the new proposed HS2 has a TOP Speed of 250MPH so as for the average? And anyway it will not arrive for 13 years minimum.


In Europe 180mph has been normal for years, but when we build HS1 and HS2 its speeds of up to 250MPH, so in reality much less and when HS2’s recommendations are accepted then it will be, arriving in around 13 years.


Meanwhile in Japan its over 350MPH today, China Shanghai Maglev trains are currently the fastest trains commercially operated in the world, with a top commercial speed of 431 kph (268 mph) and a top non-commercial speed of 501 kph (311 mph).

China working on 310mph passenger trains. China is designing its next generation of trains that can carry passengers at a top speed of 500 kilometers (310 miles) an hour and cargo at 250km/h, with wheels that can adjust to fit different track gauges used around the world. They are also building a magnetic levitation train that travels at 373MPH. As for building track for rail construction on China’s first HSR line — the one connecting Beijing and Shanghai — began in April 2006 and was fully operational by June 2011. The total length of the HSR line is 1,318 kilometers, and it basically runs parallel with the existing normal-speed Beijing-to-Shanghai line. The new line is elevated to support a transit speed of 350 kilometers per hour and passes through four provinces. In total, 23 stations have been set up along the rail.



As for cost, well feast your eyes on these figures China’s high speed rail with a maximum speed of 350 km/h has a typical infrastructure unit cost of about US$ 17-21m per km, with a high ratio of viaducts and tunnels, as compared with US$25-39 m per km in Europe eyes on this one.


Our wonder line at a cost of around is the highest among any of the major high speed rail countries - with HS1 costing £51.3m per km and HS2 estimated to cost £78.5m per km.19 Nov 2015


So if you think you are being screwed, the money is for keeping corporate friends sweet, then just maybe one should be fed the facts, and not given misleading lies, for a done deal. Want to know why no hospitals, schools, police doctors nurses, teachers, social services well my friends, all you tax money, all the dept is going to the friends of politicians making you all debt slaves for generations. I love democracy where the government knows what the people want, and give them a second had service served up as first class.



NORTH SOUTH DIVIDE, no its them and us, plus Trident of course the price we pay to be friends with the USA its the modern version of tribute. A tool we can never use, and against terrorists?


Some people are so used to being screwed its now just normal, no wonder the police said there are so many pedophiles we can't jail them all, warns police chief so in effect is sort of legalised, permitted...hence we now live in GRATE Britain


How misguided are you? You mention Trident as a project for keeping the US happy. You do know the building of the Dreadnought class submarines are done by BAE Systems and Rolls-Royce which are BRITISH COMPANIES right? The nuclear warheads are built by the Atomic Weapons Establishment in Aldermaston IN THE UK. All this supports thousands of BRITISH JOBS which maintains this country's expertise in nuclear technology and submarine ship building. It is because of Rolls-Royce's expertise in nuclear power generation that they are one of the world leaders in the development of small modular reactors for civilian power generation. This is potentially another industry that would create hundreds if not thousand more high tech jobs which we really need.


As for China's maglev in Shanghai. How long is that route exactly? Are you proposing that it can be used for HS2? You have no clue.

Edited by ez8004
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The overall cost of replacing Britain’s Trident nuclear weapons system would be £167bn, double previous credible estimates, according to new calculations based on official figures. The Reuters news agency reports that a replacement would cost nearly double the proportion the defence budget as its predecessor.



The morons we elect that do not have clue about business contracts, prove how moronic the are as ......Ministers have previously suggested the cost could be as low as £20bn, but this calculation is widely believed to exclude various other factors. It was always a swindle, and we let them get away with it.


The independent Trident Commission said in 2014 that the cost of replacement would be around £100bn.According to IMF GDP growth forecasts for the UK, the total figure would therefore be £167bn, Reuters says.


French firm wins contract to supply metal for the hulls 'that could have safeguarded 1,000 British jobs'


The subs are being built by BAE Systems fantastic yeh? But who benifits, well major shareholders are Invesco Ltd. is an American independent investment management company that is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, United States


Invesco Perpetual, based in Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire which itself is mainly ownd by other investment companies


So the UK earns wages and pays tax on the workers wages but the profits, are slated away. So wage slaves gain something, as for the UK people?????


Most people find that the swindle of screwing the tax take from the economy by corporate interests actually benefits our economy, when the reality is the tax collected is just going into private coffers of corporate investors. Overpriced swindle like all government contracts to the private sector.



So where is the benefit, as the money could be used for the upkeep of the country and not corporate profits...or did I miss a trick?


You are missing a huge trick because there is a maximum percentage on how much profit they can make. Also, the money spent on Trident is what helps this country meet its 2% of GDP spend target. Even if Trident wasn't replaced, that money wouldn't go to say the NHS anyway. It would be just another defence project. So what other MOD project would you spend that money on if not for the ultimate insurance policy for the defence of the realm?

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What do people think?


Quick example - Liverpool lime street will be closed for a week due to damage of tracks from falling debris.


If it had been st Pancras / kings cross / Euston what would the reaction have been from government/media?


Have you not heard of the Southern Rail fiasco?

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