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More 0 hours workers than ever..

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I can't say really....In my first post on this subject, I said 'Here's my take on ZHC'...My view, my opinion...


My opinion is it wreaks of the ability to be abused...And no polls about how happy people are happy with this wonderful invention of ZHC will change my mind.


It 'can' be abused, so it always will be by those who choose to.


I don't know what the answer to it is....But as sgt kate say's maybe there should be an overhaul of employment law? Quite what that might take, I'm not sure.


---------- Post added 06-03-2017 at 15:55 ----------



Yes, I saw...only after I posted...Sorry


Well, when we leave the EU I suspect there will be an overhaul in employment law but I'm not sure most people will like the outcome.

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Mainly because you choose 'selective' bits of my posts and try hard to portray me as some kind of power mad idiot...Asking the same questions over and over in an attempt to belittle me...It's a very familiar ploy of yours.


Election polls were wrong...Not just once...But many times...But of course they were within the margin of error for 1000 people...So that's ok...


Is it any wonder I don't have too much confidence in 'polls'


Each recent high profile result of late has had a result within the margin of error on the polls immediately beforehand. These polls we're not wrong in fact they were quite correct.

Trump got 46% of the vote and Clinton got 48%. The last polls had Trump on 44% (-2% with a margin of error of 3%) and Clinton on 48% (dead on).


Brexit was won 51.9% to 48.1%. The last polls had remain on 48% and leave on 46% with 6% undecided. The undecideds broke for leave but again only a few% out.

You have perhaps been led to trust the polls more than they deserve. If you understand the limits of what they are actually telling you, perhaps you won't feel let down in future.


It's not the polls which are at fault, but unjustified inferences made by statistically illiterate commentators.

Edited by unbeliever
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No, im trying to figure out what you know and so can tailor my answer to you. otherwise you accuse me of belittling or talking over the top of you as you've done in the past before.


It was a simple question. If you choose not to answer it that's no skin off my nose.


Now you have the answer, you can see why the survey that Unbeliever linked to is useful and why it doesn not show that ZHC are the big bad boogeyman you claim. So if you continue to attack them on such a basis the only logical conclusion is that you are doing so in order to attack me which would not be conduct I'd expect from any user of this forum. Sadly though there are plenty of such people on here.


WOW...Because I don't like ZHC, I'm attacking you personally because you do?..Blimey, that's a stretch....That would assume you are entirely correct, and I'm entirely wrong, and that's never been my premise.


Some elements of what you say are correct, but some elements of my dislike are correct too. Or is that not conceivable?


I've said from my first post, I have first hand experience of bad practice, and not just my other half...She made friends with others in exactly the same situation, and while she was there at least ten other staff left for exactly the same reasons. But it's only a small minority and it doesn't matter eh? Everyone else in the country is really happy with their ZHC!

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You said in your opening statement "So you can probably guess my attitude about ZHC. It's used by employers in entirely the wrong way. It doesn't 'help' people, it restricts their lifestyle and social life."


Theres not much room there. It's pretty critical in all contexts.


Top it off with your immediate attempt to shut down discussion with "no lectures please" and you think people are not going to debate it?



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You said in your opening statement "So you can probably guess my attitude about ZHC. It's used by employers in entirely the wrong way. It doesn't 'help' people, it restricts their lifestyle and social life."


Theres not much room there. It's pretty critical in all contexts.


Top it off with your immediate attempt to shut down discussion with "no lectures please" and you think people are not going to debate it?




You've been mixing with Yoof too long...Whateva!!!


Do you think it's acceptable for my OH to be treated as she was?


Would you be steaming mad if your OH was treated that way?


Yep...I probably have extreme views...With good reason.

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You've been mixing with Yoof too long...Whateva!!!


Do you think it's acceptable for my OH to be treated as she was?


Would you be steaming mad if your OH was treated that way?


Yep...I probably have extreme views...With good reason.


Do I look bothered?


But for your elucidation, I wouldn't go off the deep end decrying all ZHC and sundry as being the problem when the actual cause of the problem is entirely elsewhere.


Now if you think you can run a company better please - stand up and put your money forwards and get on with it. Until then let those who are running one do so.

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So you expect me to set that up, give them a week or so of work, then make them redundant, and close off the position, and then do the same thing in say 2 or three weeks time?


Get real.


If you would be prepared to do that as an employer, it's you who needs a reality check. You are now talking like a 1920's employer.

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Do I look bothered?


But for your elucidation, I wouldn't go off the deep end decrying all ZHC and sundry as being the problem when the actual cause of the problem is entirely elsewhere.


Now if you think you can run a company better please - stand up and put your money forwards and get on with it. Until then let those who are running one do so.


No you don't look bovered as far as I can tell, with a false name and a random cartoon picture for an avatar.


Have I once said you run your company wrongly?....


So you would be perfectly happy for your partner to be treated in such a way as I've described?


Where..'elsewhere' is the problem if not (Some) employers abusing ZHC staff?

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Although to be fair, I raised the point that those on ZHC who do the same work as those on permanent contracts get paid less per hour, and that disparity gets wider the further down the income scale you go. No-one pro ZHC on here acknowledged those findings:


I dont believe zero hours contracts should be banned.


I was once on a 6 month minimum wage contract, no use if you want to get a mortgage. But at that time of my life, its all I could get. It led me on to other better things. Zero hours contracts are the same, they should just be a stop gap to lead you on to better things.


If you cannot rise above that, there is either something wrong with you, of the jobs market. We do have people claiming we have a skills mis-match, and there will always be people that have lost their way; but something has led to the employers having more of the upper-hand.

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