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More 0 hours workers than ever..

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Depends on the situation of both company and individual. Should all current zhc jobs be thus? No. is it being abused? Yes. Should they be banned? No.


Blimey, this thread went downhill fast but I agree with this! The issue is, how do we stop the abuse of ZHCs and how do we prevent them from becoming so prevalent that they undermine the option of a permanent contract? I would suggest something similar to the statutory right to request flexible working, where the employer would have to demonstrate a solid business case to refuse converting a ZHC to a permanent contract.

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Blimey, this thread went downhill fast but I agree with this! The issue is, how do we stop the abuse of ZHCs and how do we prevent them from becoming so prevalent that they undermine the option of a permanent contract? I would suggest something similar to the statutory right to request flexible working, where the employer would have to demonstrate a solid business case to refuse converting a ZHC to a permanent contract.


If mike Ashley gets "banned" from taking people on ZHC, does anyone honestly think he won't look for another loophole? Self employment? Temp staff only? Robots are amazons preference in the future. Take your pick. A bad employer is a bad employer.

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If mike Ashley gets "banned" from taking people on ZHC, does anyone honestly think he won't look for another loophole? Self employment? Temp staff only? Robots are amazons preference in the future. Take your pick. A bad employer is a bad employer.


Hit the nail squarely on the head there.

ZHCs are not the problem.

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If mike Ashley gets "banned" from taking people on ZHC, does anyone honestly think he won't look for another loophole? Self employment? Temp staff only? Robots are amazons preference in the future. Take your pick. A bad employer is a bad employer.


The bad publicity may hurt his profits though - as Starbucks found out to their cost.


---------- Post added 06-03-2017 at 21:09 ----------


I dont believe zero hours contracts should be banned.


I was once on a 6 month minimum wage contract, no use if you want to get a mortgage. But at that time of my life, its all I could get. It led me on to other better things. Zero hours contracts are the same, they should just be a stop gap to lead you on to better things.


If you cannot rise above that, there is either something wrong with you, of the jobs market. We do have people claiming we have a skills mis-match, and there will always be people that have lost their way; but something has led to the employers having more of the upper-hand.


Maybe some people get stuck in a rut, don't feel they have anything else to offer, or like you say, lost their way. However that's no reason for people to put up with something that a lot of people wouldn't like for themselves or their families.

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If mike Ashley gets "banned" from taking people on ZHC, does anyone honestly think he won't look for another loophole? Self employment? Temp staff only? Robots are amazons preference in the future. Take your pick. A bad employer is a bad employer.


That's a very poor argument for not legislating to improve workers rights.

If everyone thought like that we'd have no health and safety, no holiday rights, no sick pay, no redundancy, no maternity and so on.

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If you would be prepared to do that as an employer, it's you who needs a reality check. You are now talking like a 1920's employer.


I'm not prepared to do that as an employer. I use ZHC instead. Far more sensible.


---------- Post added 06-03-2017 at 21:48 ----------



Where..'elsewhere' is the problem if not (Some) employers abusing ZHC staff?


As I have said repeatedly before it's with the employer. You appear to be afflicted with selective deafness.

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If mike Ashley gets "banned" from taking people on ZHC, does anyone honestly think he won't look for another loophole? Self employment? Temp staff only? Robots are amazons preference in the future. Take your pick. A bad employer is a bad employer.


Bad employers need dealing with rather than accepting, don't you think? The "self-employment" loophole is being closed by HMRC happily.

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Do I look bothered?


But for your elucidation, I wouldn't go off the deep end decrying all ZHC and sundry as being the problem when the actual cause of the problem is entirely elsewhere.


Now if you think you can run a company better please - stand up and put your money forwards and get on with it. Until then let those who are running one do so.


ZHCs are if not inherently abusive towards the workforce, they're far too easy to be used as such.

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